Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Twinflames 2013

As the quest to understand the phenomenon of the Twinflame Love Evolution continues to unfold, I am continually struggling with an idea that my fellow Twinflame seekers will not like... I don't really think the Twinflame concept exists as the legend is outlined.  Yes, the symptoms and experiences definitely exist, but do they only occur with ONLY ONE OTHER SOUL in this unfathomably vast, unlimited universe?

What is a Twinflame?
At the beginning of time, your soul was merged with one other.  Something like the Yin Yang symbol.  The Yin alone is complete in and of itself, as is the Yang.  However, when merged together, these two whole aspects become a greater whole, a deeper defining entity of life itself.  In some ways they are totally alike, cut from the same fabric.  Yet in other ways they are total opposites of each other creating a fully balanced whole within their union.  Throughout time those souls walk the physical earth, operate in spirit, exist in other dimensions, and not necessarily is the pair manifested in the same plane at the same time.

What are the symptoms of a Twinflame relationship?
The Twinflame relationship is truly like none you have ever experienced.  The energy is so intense when the energy of these two entities come together that strange occurances that border on defying physics and physiological existance as we know them, begin to occur.  Heightened awareness, psychic connections and psychic communications develop and are intensified between the two, empathic abilities increase - feeling their energy field and/or emotions when they are not there, an intense magnetism coupled with an intense need to flee or repulsion is also often present.

Common traits of the Twinflame relationship are unique as well
Typically one or both parties are married or unavailable, live faraway from each other and/or have a large unexplicable age difference.  This is believed to occur because the Twinflame relationship requires unusual levels of overcoming hardship, passing of spiritual tests and proving high spiritual levels of growth.  Typically Twinflames take years to actually be together as they slowly and delicately restring the elements of their lives in a way to not bring harm to those around them.  Some say that because they are cut from the same fabric that they actually look alike.  Though I have not found this to be true across the board.

How do I find my Twinflame?
Well... Here lies the problem.  Because the Twinflame phenomenon centers around the concept that there is reincarnation and the the pair is not likely to be incarnated in the same plane of existence at the same time.  Now, coincidentally because we are in a time of great spiritual growth, The Ascension, a Spiritual Evolution, more and more Twinflames were incarnated to merge during this time to elevate the energies of the planet and help to catapult us through to the next dimensional shift.  So, it is not a 100% guarantee that your Twinflame is even alive in physical form on this planet right now for you to even have the opportunity to find them.

So why am I conflicted that this phenomenon is real?
Despite spending my life being a hopeless romantic, seeking that perfectly matched partner, I am leaning towards a concept that is a little bit different and perhaps offers more hope to those Twinflame seekers out there.  What I sense to believe begs this question - Which came first, the Ascension or the abundance of Twinflames merging?  What I mean by this question is simple really, did the Twinflame phenomenon dramatically increase because they are meant to aid in the Ascension?  Or, did the Ascension happen, awakening people to their psychic abilities, intensifying their relationships, heightening their senses, and causing this phenomenon to occur that is so new and so profound that we have given it a new name and new storyline, the Twinflames, two souls separated at the beginning of time.  You see, perhaps I have become jaded in my 40 years of living, but I tend to find the latter more conceivable.  I tend to believe that the Ascension is not only a Spiritual Evolution for humanity, but a Love Evolution as well.  The product of those who have evolved ahead of the curve are being called Twinflames, when I tend to actually believe that the Twinflame love is actually the goal for the mainstream, not something reserved for someone special who fell lucky enough to get a Golden Ticket out of billions of possible chocolate bars.

So while, my fellow Twinflamers may not like me saying that I don't really believe the Twinflame Phenomenon to be all that the legend states, I do offer hope for the future, that this phenomenon can happen to anybody who is willing to be willing.  Be willing to be open to new ideas, new energies, new spaces in your soul and mind that have laid dormant for centuries awaiting this time of Awakening.  Breathe deeply, relax your body and mind, and go where no other can go but you, within.

I welcome responses and comments.  If you are ever in the Greenville SC area, please join me through my Meetup
Or get the most accurate Tarot Reading and Psychic Guidance you've ever had from my "Twinflame"

Love those that cannot love themselves
(864) 915-2313

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The EAT PRAY LOVE Meditation

I have studied many different forms of meditation throughout my life.  One of the simplest forms, that has had the most immediate profound alterations to my state of peace and frame of NOW came from the movie EAT PRAY LOVE.  In the movie, our lead character is prompted to pray in the following manner - "smile with your face, smile with your heart, smile with your belly".

When I watched this movie I was going through my own profound transformation.  Like the lead character in the movie, my life was in complete upheaval and it had me in deep states of pain and distress as I walked through the fires that transform us.  Unlike the lead character in the movie, I did not have the money to fund a year-long global spiritual self-seeking adventure.  However, bells rang within me when this interesting meditation was suggested to her.

This is an amazingly transformational meditation that I urge everyone to try.

SMILE WITH YOUR FACE - It is hard to FEEL or THINK negatively when you have a smile on your face.  My grandmother used to insist on me smiling as a little girl, no matter how I felt.  It was a good to start to moving into a new state of being.

SMILE WITH YOUR HEART - With a smile on your face, think of something or someone that you love, or think of something that brings you great joy.  Allow yourself to FEEL the joy and love in your HEART that you associate with that.  The key element to smiling with your heart is FEELING the genuine love and joy in your heart and with that, knowing that your heart is smiling.

SMILE WITH YOUR BELLY - This is a little harder to do.  For me, I hold a lot of stress or distress in my belly area.  Anyone who is empathic, will feel a lot of emotions in their belly area that effect them dramatically.  Now that your face is smiling and your heart is smiling, pull your beautiful breath down into your belly area.  Allow any stress to fall away, allow your belly area to loosen and open with the Divine energy infused in the breath drawn into your belly area.  Focus on joy, love and relaxation filling your belly area.

Keep your three smiles in alignment and focus on your breathing.  Feel the joy and love that you have created in your being through these 3 simple actions and rest in this beautiful state.  Enjoy the travels that result from this beautifully transformational meditation.

(864) 915-2313

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Energy Clearing - Fastest Fix to a Lighter, Brighter You

I've done many energy clearings of homes and offices, and always with amazing results as to the shift that occurs when the work is complete.  It should come as no surprise that when a toxic roommate moved out of the house, that an energy clearing lifted and removed that toxic, angry energy like lifting a thick fog and leaving behind a dwelling that LOOKED brighter, FELT happier, and helped strengthen the bonds of the remaining dwellers in the home.

What comes as a surprise to me, and a fabulous learning experience is that over the matter of a few weeks the negative energy came back in small doses and with such subtlety that we barely noticed.  It wasn't until I went through a couple of back to back days of grouchy disconnected lethargic days that it finally could not be ignored.  A dear friend and clairvoyant discovered it first. 

"What are you staring at?" I asked him during a visit at the house.
"You have dark mist and negative energy floating in the ceiling fan."  Normally someone with whom I have fabulous repoire and lively banter, during this visit we couldn't seem to connect at all.  We were both disjointed and scattered.  It was almost like we were ignoring each other, much like how I would react to the roommate who had moved out a few weeks prior.

He was on his way out the door when he noticed the dark mist.  I did another cleansing, leaving incense burning throughout the house to assist the process and left for 20 minutes. When I returned I was amazed to find that my attitude seemed more positive and less lethargic.  I felt more emotionally in tune.  The others that I lived with seemed to be uplifted and joyful and I no longer felt scattered or heavy.

I called my friend back to tell him about the shift and how dramatically it affected my energy levels, as well as my emotional and mental well being.  I am thrilled to experience first hand the effectiveness of my work and passion in energy healing and to know that I am making a true healthy shift in the world.  I have added some steps to my cleansings to safe guard against these reappearances of the negativity, however cleansings are still necessary and should probably be done once a month to clear out any negativity that occurs within the self or between inhabitants, not to mention the outside negativity that you track into your home unwittingly.

I love working with energy in so many aspects.  For more information on Home or Office Clearings, CHIOS energy body healings, Energy Power Charge to the Body, Manifestation or Spellworking
email me at or
Exorcisms available upon request (and performed more often than you'd want to know)

Love the home that houses your body
Love the body that houses your soul
Love your soul for Love is all that is

Monday, January 14, 2013

With 2012 behind us "Now What?" Moving into 2013 - Age of Aquarius

 Most of the people around me, experienced great upheaval and discomfort through 2012 as the powerful energy shifts ripped through their Spiritual Selves, shifting their inner knowing. "Ascension Symptoms", as it has been termed.  It transformed them physiologically down to their very DNA.  Those 2012 energies equally tore through their lives, shedding relationships, shifting careers, combusting marriages... anything not serving a Higher Purpose of the Spiritual Evolution of the Age of Aquarius as been stripped away.

One of my clients recently expressed his concerns to me.  "I feel like a blank piece of paper".  "I know that the answers are in my heart, and yet I can't access them." "Lost, confused and disillusioned."  Below is the enthusiastic letter I responded with (removing any of his personal details of course).  My excitement for his state, I share in a general way, in hopes that it will help others who have gone through dramatic changes in 2012, and are now feeling a little like-- "now what?"

Dearest _____________,
I am so honored that you are sharing this experience with me.  So beautiful that you are a "blank piece of paper".  The Ancients called this "Tabula Rasa", blank tablet or clean slate.  An opportunity to redefine yourself, or in your case, create yourself into your True Self. I feel I have gone through something quite similar, but perhaps in less of a soft and graceful way as it sounds like your experience is.  For me, the crumbling of an unhappy marriage, changing careers, changing friends... it is jolting for those around me, but I am becoming my True Self and realigning myself with my Higher Purpose.  This is what I believe you are experiencing in a quieter more peaceful way, which may feel like the nothingness that you described to me.  You are transforming!! I am excited for you.

I will share with you the simple mantra that I have gotten much direction from.  The answers haven't fully developed for me, however the path to the answers is being laid before me.  Life is becoming more and more magical and exciting.  My mantra "OPEN THE DOORS THAT I AM MEANT TO WALK THROUGH.  CLOSE THE DOORS THAT NO LONGER SERVE MY HIGHEST PURPOSE.  HOW MAY I SERVE?"

This has been so powerful for me.  Walking through those doors has been intimidating at times, as people approach me and offer opportunities that fulfill unwhispered dreams.  As I walk in faith, miracles unfold.  I pray for this, for you, my friend.  Worry not about the answers or the end result.  The answers will be revealed to you depending on your willingness to follow your "directions", the clues given by our Creator, by our Spirit Guides, by our Higher Self. 

I hope you are meditating to deepen these connections.  However, if the answers are not coming to you in meditation, do not worry.  Your Spiritual Instructions may be coming to you from other ways.  Pay attention.  Look for clues.  Listen to strangers.  God works mysteriously through all that are around us, speaking through loved ones, strangers, and even enemies.

I send you great love and enthusiasm for the place you are in your life.  Fill your heart will love and joy, share it with the world, pay attention to the signs around you and watch miracles unfold for you!! 

Please let me know how you progress, my friend.  Remember that we all come from Source, we are all connected by Source Energy, and we will one day all merge in our perfect Oneness, back to Source.  I love you. 
