Friday, October 8, 2021

Merkaba Meditation Breath 1-6

Merkaba Breaths 1-6

by Drunvalo Melchizedeck.

Improve your relationships

The objective of this phase it to balance your relationship with the universe and the planet. More concrete: healing the relationship with your father and mother and in addition your ancestors. Breathing with the same amount of energy, love, awareness and joy
Below you will encounter the explanation as supplied by Drunvalo Melchizedeck.

Instrcutions for the first six Merkaba Breaths
HEART: Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you must at least open to this love as much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.
MIND: Become aware of the male tetrahedron (the apex facing up to the sun, the point facing to the front for male, the point to the back for females) filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body. Visualize it the best you can. If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it surrounding you.
BODY: At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first finger touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
MERKABA BREATH: At this same moment, with empty lungs, begin to breath in a complete yogic manner. Breath through your nostrils only, except at certain places which will be described. Simply put, breath from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. Do this in one movement, not three parts. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and relaxing the stomach, slowly releasing the air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the chest. The most important aspect is that this breathing must be rhythmic. Begin by using seven seconds in and seven seconds out, but as you get familiar with this meditation, find your own rhythm. The following instructions for a complete Yogic Breath are from "the Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath" by Yogi Ramacharake. Perhaps this description will be helpful.
Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphragm, which descending exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen. Then fill the middle part of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs, breastbone and chest. Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest, including the upper six or even pairs of ribs. At first reading it may appear that this breath consists of three distinct movements. This, however, is not the correct idea. The inhalation is continuous, the entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest point of the chest in the region of the collar bone, being expanded with a uniform movement. Avoid a jerky series of inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action. Practice will soon overcome the tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and will result in a uniform continuous breath. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds after a little practice.
Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little and lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs. When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the chest and abdomen. A little practice will render this part of the exercise easy, and the movement once acquired will be afterward performed almost automatically.
MIND: Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light
BODY: Keep the same mudra.
BREATH: Do NOT hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation. Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to breathe again, after about five seconds or so, then do the following:
MIND: Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the female tetrahedron located in the horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the sternum. In a flash, and with a pulse like energy, send that triangular plane down through the female tetrahedron. It gets smaller as it goes down and pushes out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron all the negative energy of the mudra or electrical circuit, a light will shoot out of the apex toward the center of the Earth. The Mind exercise is performed along with the following BODY movements.
BODY: Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other words, slightly cross your eyes. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other words, look up. Also, this looking up motion should not be extreme. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area of your third eye . You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can. You should feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental exercise with the eye movements. The eyes look down from their up position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down to the apex of the female tetrahedron. This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into your electrical system. Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is associated with the particular mudra you are using. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, you change mudras to the next one and begin the entire cycle over again. The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:
Second merkaba breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together
Third merkaba breath mudra: Thumb and third finger together
Fourth merkaba breath mudra: Thumb and little finger together
Fifth merkaba breath mudra: Thumb and first finger together (same as first merkaba breath)
Sixth merkaba breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together (same as second merkaba breath)
The first part, the first six breaths, the balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your electrical system is now complete. You are now ready for the next part, the next seven breaths.

(864) 915-2313

The Evolution of Love

This is a continuation of my May 2012 post TwinFlames and the Love Revolution.  As I continue to watch, discuss and analyze relationships of clients, friends, family and my own, an Awakening of the Era and an understanding of what is happening with human relationships and the emotion we call Love is evolving and shifting dramatically during these times.
Through these years of observation and experience of love relationships, I am seeing more and more that men and women are in the process of creating a balance between their internal Feminine and Masculine Qualities.  Men, learning to bring more Feminine into their persona and Women are bringing more masculine traits into theirs.  This shift, though uncomfortable and causing great strife among love relationships is very necessary in our evolution towards Wholeness.

 As in the Kabbalah and Tree of Life studies we are shown that to ascend the Tree of Life to Kether ( the highest God state that we can comprehend in this existence) we must merge and align the Masculine and Feminine Pillars into an equal balance in a state of being in Wholeness with oneself. 

I am observing women in relationships, gathering their strength and exhibiting uncharacteristic behaviors for themselves.  Many of them call it being disgusted, or no longer in love, despair followed by rage.  They are exhibiting strength, reclaiming their power from relationships where they have felt neglected, overworked, and dissatisfied.  They are unconsciously bringing more masculine traits - strength, demands for justice and even punishment (often in the form of divorce) where necessary. 

Likewise, I am seeing men exhibiting more feminine qualities.  They are softening into greater compassion, in situations of conflict, they are recoiling, "stuck" in states of inaction.  They are unconsciously bringing more feminine qualities into their persona to bring them into a balance of Male/Female energies. 

We are moving towards wholeness in ourselves, and Love Relationships are evolving with these dramatic shifts.  We, men and women, are in need of coming to balance and this has turned us upside down internally. 

it in the operation of coming to balance they are moving in the opposite direction dramatically um overcompensating and landing far in the other side of their feminine and we're seeing women up conversely moving away from their them in in and finding some strength and power so you know as a Mayan calendar predicts we are moving from a masculine era into an era nada just been in but the first era in a complete cycle of 50 2000 years where we are moving into a balance of male and female energy in this is here or moving into um this is hard to do and continue to save it it is really irritating that it doesn't auto save um so the Mayan calendar actually says that we're moving into a balance of male and female energy and we're seeing this in morn more women up filing for divorce becoming disgusted with their men to men who want to we're strong and really quite assholish are turning into the smush bald pussies and as an of Archer who is it going to target and misses to the right by several feet will overcompensate to the left and perhaps this time will miss the target by a foot or two to the left and so we go back and forth from one side to the next until we find the true singer and hit the target and I feel that this is what we're seeing now in this over compensation of women taking on a masculine traits and then taking on more feminine qualities ultimately up both sexes should find their center a balance of male and female energy within the individual and that is when we can truly have holiness in ourselves and therefore bring in elevate a love relationship to a new level I have been blogging about the love evolution for a couple of years now and observing the phenomenon called the twin flame which I have many controversial seriously doubt but this is not a twin flame article and perhaps we'll get into it a little later but for now rest assured that it they are generation is making a dramatic shift uh imagine the first fish that grew legs and crawled up on land that happened in a dramatic and relative to evolution itself very quick process for that kind of shift in Angela where in right now now the true question n and this was posed by a girlfriend of mine recently when wet one who are we what are we truly what are we to do when we shed our earthly body Temple and it falls away a lot to ask her what are we left with what are we well we are energy um certainly we are proving that scientifically through um quantum physics and um metaphysics his taking it to a new level on there many scientists there irritated that the spiritual live mint is actually being scientifically proven um things that we've known for generations that's not here nor there umm when we shed the earthly body Temple we are left with energy) pure energy the question is what is that energy what defines us based on that energy not all energy is the same for everything with looks the same um we know through um love the gracious chart real love is measured at a vibration of 500 and lower vibration emotions so the question is when you shed the temple body is your vibration going to being that of Payne sorrow misery victimization anger resentment or is your energy vibration going to be in love bliss harmony forgiveness in this is truly the purpose of being on this earth and this is the evolution that we are going through now learning to raise the energy vibration of the body of the energy body so that when we shed body Temple we are at we are elevated in our energy vibration and just heard on the radio a about as straight guy who got breast implants commercial for some talk show but that brings up a really good point in this a shift of from male female balance of energy is I feel like we're seeing more and more transgenders people shifting there sax um is there a correlation with this energy I do find is it that to their is the transgender community it has a um maybe that's not right to say what is this also a sign of the times that men are you looking to become women women are you looking to become men even in the Bible Belt I observed a young woman take on the transformation of becoming a man where I would have expected something like that to really have had a severe backlash from the community what does this have something to do with this up finding balance and over compensating to find that balance within the individual I think its something to ponder

(864) 915-2313


I hear many people asking, "Why Can't I Manifest?" 

Obstacles are part of the process.  Some people just can't seem to get off of the ground with manifesting.  Others have no trouble getting started in manifesting, however, at some point they do hit obstacles.

Firstly, as we are learning new tools and exercises, we need to remember to be gentle with ourselves.  You are learning, what I hope for you to be a life-long process, so you don't need to get it all right, right now.  In fact, in the early stages I have found that DOING IT is far more important that doing it PERFECTLY.  These practices are constantly evolving.  Eventually you will find the practices that work best for you and maybe even develop some tools of your own.

The most important thing to understand when starting on a journey of Manifestation and Spiritual Health is that you need to clear out the old negative toxins to create a space for the new stuff coming in.  This is a common practice in Feng Shui.  Decluttering is essential, to raise the positive energy of a space.  You also need to REMOVE the negative energy items to make space for higher vibrational items to come in.  In fact, it is commonly suggested that if you are single and trying to bring love into your life, leave open space in your bedroom closet and empty dresser drawers for your new love to move in.  In working with our emotional or self-image baggage there are many examples and I will cite two of my favorites.

In Julia Cameron's book, THE ARTISTS WAY, she talks about identifying your "Inner Critic" and reprogramming that chatter with new positive thoughts.  My experience in those early days was that the negative self chatter was so bonded and ingrained in me that I didn't even recognize it or identify it.  It took a lot of journaling and paying attention for me to identify what my "Inner Critic" was whispering into my ear keeping me from love and success.

In the famous PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, he talks about working with people on their Self-Image reprogramming.  One story is of a man who's image of himself was so repulsive and unworthy due to the size of his ears and nose.  Dr. Maltz explains that this man's self image was so distorted from what was real that the man was seeking unnecessary plastic surgery when all he needed was to "see" himself as others truly saw him.  So take a moment today, to journal, to meditate and explore your own self-image.  What is your Inner Critic telling you?  What is your big ugly nose?  What inside of you has kept you from your Heart's Desire?  Be courageous in your honesty! You can't reverse it, if you haven't identified it in the first place.

Once you have identified the negative self image beliefs that are sabotaging your success and relationships, you need to iradicate them and replace them with a more desirable belief.  Easier said than done!  Finding the source of the negative belief and then disqualifying the negative belief, are major keys to successfully squelching these beliefs... and well worth the extra effort.

For example, if you discover (which is common) that you have negative feelings about people that are wealthy and that is keeping you from amassing your own wealth.  First identify where this idea came from.  Did you have a parent who complained about the rich? Did someone who was wealthy bring harm?  Does it truely make sense to your logical mind to lump all people with money in this category?  Can you find people of wealth using their money and influence to help the less fortunate or impact the world in a positive way?

Cut out pictures of people that you would like to emulate and really "get to know them".  Hold conversations with them in your mind to let THEIR success and THEIR belief systems guide you.

In elevating your energy levels and getting into a space where you effortlessly manifest your Heart's Desires, you will ALWAYS hit obstacles along the way.  If you did not have obstacles within your energy field, or soul, or pyche, you would not be seeking these tools in the first place! :) You would be at the level of Jesus, Buddah, or any other likeness of Spiritual perfection and you would be teaching ME! :)

I myself have gone through periods where a new layer peels away and I am raw, emotional and vulnerable.  I can be filled with great sorrow, sobbing while old, unidentified wounds are released.  This can also come up as extreme anger.  Recognizing this as part of the process, allowing yourself to work through it and stay in gratitude works wonders.  During one recent bout with deep, painful sorrow, I held onto the mantra, "I am so grateful and thankful that my heart is opening and healing." My heart was in unbearable pain.  I was crying all of the time.  But I stuck to that mantra, walking and breathing.  I became afraid that I would need Prozac, but I stuck with my mantra, walking and breathing and I did get to the other side of the pain.  Once the emotions worked their way through, I had a new freedom that I had not experienced before.

Keep in your awareness that as you remove Layers of the Onion of your Humanness, you will inevitably uncover negative emotions or responses or even self-sabotaging fears.  Be gentle with yourself as you work through these.  The obstacles you uncover as you dig deeper and deeper into your soul, may even be toxic baggage from existences that you no longer hold in your current awareness.  Sometimes, there are even instances where an individual attains a level of success, love, and relationships that they always dreamed of only to hit some jarring obstacles of self sabotage and destroy it all.  Fear not, if you build it up once, you can do it again!

Keep at it! Trust that the Divine is walking with you the whole way and don't be afraid to ask your Guides and Angels to fill you with Love and Light.  They are always there for you!  However, you do NEED to ask.

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