Sunday, January 22, 2023

What are Access Bars and why do people say it's AWESOME!

There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world, and in receiving a simple process for bodies, called Access Bars, it can occur with total ease.

Best of all, it’s not hard to learn.

By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.

You know when your brain gets foggy, you feel lethargic or lacking in joy, and/or your mind seems to fill. with negative thoughts, feelings, and judgements about you, your body, and your life? It's not really fun when that happens! Wouldn't you like to change that with total ease?

Well, now you can with this amazing and really easy technique called Access Bars. 

You do not have to be a "healer" or a "psychic" do The Bars. As you gently touch these specific 32 points on the head, the natural electromagnetic charge of the human body causes the Bars just start to run! As you work with these energies and tools, You WILL start to feel energy and open up to your natural intuition, or expand even deeper into your natural healing gifts. You do not need to consider yourself gifted in any way to take this class. Students will experience amazing shifts from the powerful gift of energy in the room while gifting and receiving these techniques on each other.

Kick 2023 off to an amazing start with this dynamic class and a new calming and refreshing technique to share with friends, family, and potential clients! Experience more peace and calm, lightness of being, clarity, deeper intuition and deeper sleep. How Does it Get Any Better Than That? 

Learn more here: 

Or Register here:

Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 Numerology Forecast


The last few years have been truly dynamic and challenging on a global level. Those that have been able to take the time to see the blessings in this Great Awakening, what I have termed #PandemicPositives, I believe have fared better in areas of stress, anxiety, and depression over the state of globals affairs. 2023 will continue with this trend as we enter a Universal Year of 7.

The meaning of the Individual Numbers of 2023
The zero "0" flanked by matching 2's and polishing off with a 3, all have significance. Zero is a God number. It represents the Infinite, Our Creator, and the Universe. It is about amplification, power, and the unlimited possibilities of the Universe. From this perspective the coming year may have more trials and tribulations than we have seen in the past two years, but Our Creator is in the mix of it all! We have many Universal Spirit Helpers, reminding us that they are always with us, no matter how hard or insane the world becomes. No matter which side of the fence you are with our current global events it is important to remember that NOTHING happens in this Universe without Our Creator. All 'bad' things that occur ultimately have a higher purpose for lessons, growth, and a deeper understanding and connection to Source.

The matching 2's surrounding the zero are about balance and partnership. These 2 are reminding us to seek out balance in all things, to not let the scales tip too far in one direction or the other. The fact that there are two 2's indicated that seeking out like-minded people to hold space with you and for you during times of strife will be of the utmost to remain emotionally stable. The 3 at the end bears the frequency of child-like wonder and creativity. Allow yourself to reflect on your childhood, connect with your inner child, and reconnect to the creative and wonderment that children bear so eagerly. These small simple practices will serve you well as we move through some difficult times in the coming year.

Universal Year of 7 ( 2+0+2+3 = 7)

The Year of 7 is what I refer to as The Existentialist Year. The number 7 is a highly spiritual number in numerology as well as Ancient Hermetics. People born with 7 in their birth day numerology calculations tend to be seekers, introspective and very Spiritual although not necessarily in a conventional way. The number 7 for a Universal Year or Personal Year is not that much different. (More on calculating your personal Year below)

In this Universal Year of 7, those that are Extroverted personality types or type A go-getters, will find the frequency of a 7 year to be challenging. The frequency of 7 is about deep thought, introversion, slowing down, and seeking answers of existentialist nature. What we will see amongst the Universal chaos of the coming year, is that more and more people will stop and turn inward. The Universal energy of 7 is supporting the Great Awakening. We will see more individuals slowing down or be forced to slow down in varying ways: (ie. another wave of lockdowns, natural disasters, and/or utilities and communications (internet, phones, wifi) failing or going super spotty). People will become more an more introspective and seeking answers within, rather than out in the world, asking deep existentialist questions.

Why are we here?
Why is this really happening?
What is my soul's purpose?
What is the real purpose of what is happening in the world?

As more and more people, slow down to the frequency of this Universal 7 year and start asking these big questions of existence and consciousness, more and more will begin to see the gaslighting that has been occurring, the confines of the Matrix we are trapped in will begin to become more clear, and more and more people will wake up to higher truths about the reality of the world and the global arena.

The frequency of the Universal Year combines itself with your Personal Year frequency to give a deeper overall personal experience. So while the Universal Year of 7 will be effecting you in one way, most you will have the frequency of a different number for your personal year as well. (Some of you will have a Personal Year of 7 also, which means just double down on your introspection!

What is Your Personal Year?
Your Personal Year number will have a greater personal influence on your experience this year. The Universal Year is more of a Global trend whereas the Personal Year will go deeper and be more apparent to your experience.

CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL YEAR: Calculating your Personal Year is easy! Take your Birth Month, plus your day of birth and add them down to one digit. Then add that single digit number to the Universal Year.

Example. If your birthday is December 29 (1+2+2+9 = 14) You are not done! Keep adding!Take the 14 and add it to a single digit (1+4 = 5)
Once you have a single digit from your month and day, then add it to the Universal Year in the same way, down to a single digit.

5 + 7 = 12
Keep adding! 1+2=3.
People born on Dec 29th are in a Personal Year of 3.

Now Scroll Down and read about your Personal year.

Personal Year 1
A New Beginning In Your Life
The 1 Year is the beginning of a new nine year cycle for you. Last year was a 9 where you shed many things, people, and experiences that would not serve you going forward. Congrats! You made it through and the reward is the promise of being on an exciting new adventure, with life taking on new challenges that pave the way for the next cycle of nine years in your life.
This is a time to clarify your goals and it is a time to act on them. Hard work may be necessary to get a new venture moving. Your endurance, energy, and manifesting skills will be up during this year perhaps, higher than it has been for some time, as you have some special needs for this extra energy.
If you are unable or unwilling to make changes necessary now, your destiny may be delayed until the next cycle begins in nine years. Because of this, you feel like an adventure or a major change in your life is necessary to create something new.
New goals should be clearly set and worked toward, as this is really a new beginning of a nine year cycle and it is best not to dwell on the past at this time. This is a great time; use it to its full advantage. Receiving Coaching through this year is extremely powerful to utilize the energies of Year 1 forging a new life to its fullest advantage.
Personal Year 2
Cooperation and Collaboration
While, last year was a year that focused on the Self and Personal Power the Personal Year of 2 is a time to shift gears and collaborate, forge important partnerships and relationships, and become willing to co-pilot instead of running the whole show. This is not a time to force the issue and try to move forward. Aggressiveness will cause problems now. A personal year 2 is a time for cooperation and building relationships that will benefit you in the future and a year for accumulating and collecting. You may give time and effort to further another's work. This is a time to improve your abilities to work with others in a productive way.
In romantic relationships, there can be very deep emotional connections with a person of the opposite sex. Love connections are common in the 2 year that can lead to deep intimacy and marriage. If married or in a committed relationship there is apt to be a deepening of feelings in that relationship during a 2 year. However, if the relationship has run its course, the 2 year is the year it is likely to end in a parting of ways. Keep calm, cool, and pleasant. You may experience a degree of nervous tension during this period. The 2 year brings a tendency to experience emotional extremes, including depression. If relationships are sensitive or important to you this year additional Guidance and Coaching could be of great value to you.
Personal Year 3
Social Expansion, Creative Successes, and Childlike Wonderment
You are in a Double Whammy of 3's this Year! How exciting for you! If you are going into a 3 personal year this is a social, creative, and happy year. It generally tends to exude bright and cheerful vibrations reminiscent of a playful child. A 3 personal year is a good time to expand personal creative talents, particularly those related to the arts and verbal skills. This is a year when you will want to check up on old friends and broaden your social circle to include some new ones. Romance and love affairs may bloom, but beware that often in this year, these are more like a "summer love" in energy than serious long term loves.
You are inclined to live life to its fullest now, even if you have to pay for the consequences later. You are likely to be more sociable and the bridle of responsibility will seem to be loosened a bit. You are inclined to scatter your energies and undertake too many things at the same time. You can safely take some time off to enjoy yourself, but resist the temptation to completely give in to having a good time; keep your goals in mind.
Children do not do responsibility and seriousness well. Take some time to keep your wits about you among the fun and camaraderie, and make sure your business is being attended to, otherwise it may be a disastrous year on the business scene. Beware of having a frivolous attitude, making rash decisions and dreaming up impractical schemes.
This is not likely to be a very good year for your finances, and it is fortunate that the next year is designed to compensate these effects.

This is will be a fun year for you, but if you think you might get too far off track with your life during the fun, you may consider some Coaching and Guidance to keep your train on the track while you're living it up in the party energy.

Personal Year 4
Hard Work, Home, Building Foundations, and Steady Progress
If you are in a Personal Year of 4 the frivolity of your Number 3 year last year should be truly forgotten, as the party comes to an end. We view this new year with foggy, sober eyes, and see the mess that our party guests left behind. This is a year of hard work and effort. In year 1 we defined our goals, in year 2 we formed partnerships, in year 3 we began to create and had some fun, and now in year 4 we are ready to build the foundation of our new venture.

This is a year where you'll roll up your sleeves, dig in and put in the work. In many ways, however, it is a frustrating year when considerable effort fails to produce dramatic results. One step forward and two back may seem to be the case most of the time.
This is an organizational period and you must look at your current and past performance in a very hard light. It is a time to get organized and bring yourself down to earth. Focusing on organizing of the home and keeping a peaceful home, will also be important to contribute to the hard work necessary this year.
Responsibilities will increase, magnifying the effort and hard work needed to maintain a reasonable level of existence.
Health and diet should be carefully scrutinized this year, as physical resistance is low and you may become more susceptible to ailments.
A tidying up of affairs in all areas is now in order as you must make ready for a very hectic year ahead.
If you find this year to be too much work or are still too scattered from the energies of last year's partying, great focus and direction can be gained from outside Coaching and Guidance to keep you on task and cheer you on to your Personal Year of 5 next year.
Personal Year 5
Transformation, Chaos, Travel, and Expanding Connections
A number 5 year is a year of major change in your life. Horizons are expanded and growth is less impeded. You are likely to make a number of new friends this year as social activities and networking events are expanding again. This is a year that has brought/will bring excitement and adventure and a good deal more freedom than you have experienced in recent years. This is a time for feeling loose and free; for moving away from old routines in a constructive way. Travel, particularly overseas, or interactions with international persons through business or internet is likely this year.
If you became bogged down during this past year, now is the time to seek out new directions. The problem with a personal year 5 is the tendency to scatter energies in all directions. The number 5 can attract drama and chaos, so be aware. Set strong boundaries. Be the Oak Tree in the tornado. Stand your ground, observe the chaos with compassion, but do not get sucked into the storm.

The positive side of the chaos and drama that often arises in the 5 year, is that it often creates great transformation and enlightenment.

Beware of excessive use of alcohol and volatile relationships in the 5 year. Your ability to do detail work is limited in a 5 year and it may make you feel very confined. This is a year to be more focused on the big picture and on a broader scale. You can get to the details later! In all, this a free-wheeling year that is liable to bring major changes to your life; your career, your family situation, your residence. Like the 3 year, the 5 year is fun and full of merry making. However, the 3 year has a childlike innocence to its frivolities and the 5 year can be more reckless, like a teenager. You could greatly benefit from having outside help through guidance coaching to keep your inner teen from crashing the company car or making impulsive choices that create major setbacks to the life you have been building. Romance in a 5 year: This is a bit of new information: I have seen a pattern in my clients and have never seen any other numerologist mention this. Be very careful of trying to get serious romantically in a 5 year!!! Romance in a 5 year, can be very karmic. I have had a few clients that met their significant other in a 5 year and then divorced in the next 5 year cycle 9 years later. These marriages were very challenging, heart wrenching and in some cases abusive. Karmic relationships force transformation, so it makes sense to have karmic relationships show up in this way in a 5 year. The problem with karmic relationships is that there is this amazing, dynamic attraction like you've known each other since the beginning of time, but ultimately it is a challenging, sometimes abusive experience. This is someone you have had other past lives with, so it really feels like a soul mate. But it is rarely, rarely a 'for the rest of your life' love partner.
Personal Year 6
Level Up, Divine and Sacred, Being of Service to Family
If you are going in to a Personal Year of 6, you have some interesting energies on the horizon. This year tends to bring on increasing responsibilities and a deepening concern for family, loved ones, and close friends. It may be a year when you are called on to make some adjustments in your life, or sacrifices for those in your family or close circle of friends. Don't be surprised if you move-in with a sick family member to care for them or if a family member just had a baby and you are asked to move in to help out. You may even feel prompted to have a family member move in with you to help them. This is not really a year for major accomplishments, but rather a time to handle those adjustments to your plans that may be necessary or required, and for finishing projects started earlier. Endeavors will seem to be moving so very slowly throughout this year. This is a year to meet persons from your Soul Group will appear for your benefit this year, whether romantic or to enhance your business or be your best friend. Your emotional interchange with those who are close to you should be at its very best during this particular year. The important thing is to be willing to accept a slower pace and be sure to enjoy the peace and harmony that this year will bring. The Personal Year of 6 can be a time of slow and frustrating, unexpected responsibility lacking in forward movement. It could be beneficial to gain encouragement and insights from a coaching or guidance session.

Personal Year 7
Existentialist, Spiritual Seeking, Inner Work, Quietude
The Personal Year of 7 is a very introspective year of pause and reflection. This year should provide you with some time for gaining some understanding of yourself and deepening your connection to Spirit, how you define "God", and even learning to hear that soft whisper of your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Whether you are an extreme extrovert or not, you are apt to spend a good bit of time in quietude and contemplation. It will be good for you to spend time alone or in quiet activities, as free from outside responsibilities as possible. You should try to get away from business pressures. This is a good year to reflect on the past and plan for the future. This will not tend to be a year of action, but rather a year of waiting and development. The most "profitable" activities this year are reading, studying and writing, for your ability to think clearly, analyze, and integrate your thoughts is peaked now. Your capacity for research and understanding is at its very best. Whether your studies and contemplation are focused on how to take your business to the next level, or seeking answers to man's highest spiritual questions, you will benefit greatly from allowing yourself time away from a lot of socializing and networking. It would not be unusual for you to take on an appearance of coolness and detachment during a 7 year. Certainly, it is best for you to focus your attention on your talents and your skills in an effort to use the time you have now to refine them. Perhaps you can find the time to gain more education, or simply spend free time in journaling, reflection and meditation. This is a time to focus on Spirituality and Spiritual workings. If you have interest in deepening your connection with Spirit Guides and the Spirit World, you will gain much assistance from Coaching or Guidance Sessions.
Personal Year 8
Lessons with Money, CEO, build a nest egg
The Personal Year of 8 is focused on Money, Wealth, and Material Advancement. This does not mean that these things will come to you magically however, be aware that the possibility of material success is in the air this year and its up to you to make the best of these times. This is a power year, a period when you can make important strides in your life with proper attention to stewarding your money and making sound choices. Coming after a very slow and introspective period (the personal year 7), you may start feeling some stirrings of ambitions and set into motion the ideas and knowledge gained in your period of introspection last year. This is a year of big decisions and the possibility of major achievements. Activity is your keynote now, and you will find yourself very much involved and occupied. Opportunities for advancement and recognition for past and current work is likely to come about during this year. You have things going for you so long as you take advantage and act. It is easy for you to branch out and expand in a businesslike manner. If you are at all inclined, this is the time to exude self-confidence and authority, because others will tend to be receptive to your leadership and control. Your power and status potential is at a peak of the nine years personal epicycle that concludes at the end of the next year. Caution in how frivolous you are with your money at this time. Stewardship and sensibility are paramount. To take full advantage of the power of this time, you may seek guidance and counseling.
Personal Year 9
Closing the chapter, Completing cycles, Letting go, Be of service in a global way
Congratulations! You are in the closing year of another 9 year cycle! This is not typically an easy year for people because the main energy of the Year of 9 is about letting go of all of the people, places and things that will not serve you in your next 9 year cycle starting next year with your 1 year. Those people and things that you do not let go of on your own, often the Universe takes away in some manner. Trust the process of the 9 year. It can be very challenging and uncomfortable but it is all in Divine alignment for your highest and best good. This 9 Year of completions, ending, and reflections is a time when you are encouraged to take inventory of the past 8 years. It is advisable to make a point to complete any and all projects that were started in previous years. Tie all of the loose ends and clear your plate to bring in new and improved next year! You are likely to scrutinize old values, ideals, and the ideas that you thought were important and consider that which has been working and who or what might no longer serve your Highest Good. This is a time of Humanitarianism. Where in your Personal Year of 6, there was an energy of Being of Service to Family, the 9 year has an element of being of service on a broader scale, to the greater community or to the world. You may become more involved with others and giving may become more important that merely looking out for yourself. You may gain personal benefit from volunteer work this year. You may also become aware of a lure to commune with nature, as escapist desires become much stronger than in the past. A lot of things that you have been working for should come to completion during this year, and you will tend to clear the deck for the beginning of a new nine year cycle. This is a wonderful year to gain guidance and counseling on how to clear out all of the old energies from the last 8 years and how best to prepare yourself for a clean slate for next year's New Beginnings Personal Year of 1.

If you are interested in going deeper with your reading or have more questions about the coming year and current events. You can book a reading or a healing session here

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May 2023 be full of joy, Grace, and abundance!
Let me know how I can help.
Blessings, Ariana