Tuesday, May 29, 2012

THE POWER OF LOVE: Venus Transits the Sun June 5 2012

Many people experienced some profound shifts and tranformations in May, starting with the Supermoon
full moon May 5th and climaxing with the new moon solar eclipse on May 20th.  The speed of transformation continues on its lightspeed course with another cosmic burst on June 5th when Earth's sister planet, Venus, ruler of Romantic Love and all things beautiful, will be visible transiting (crossing in front of) the Sun. This will not happen again until 2117, so you will not want to miss the full force of this powerful transit.

Now, where the Supermoon was a great time to pull in the moon's powerful healing energies into us. She brought powerful levels of acute emotions and dramatically heightened our sensitivities.

The new moon is always a good time for releasing (whether external or internal) and when transiting the
Sun (a solar eclipse ) these effects were focussed and given great power. Many people experienced dramatic release of fears, negativity, and emotional turmoil that had been holding back their growth and expansion. 

Now we move into a Venus transiting the Sun.  The Sun in astrology represents the the way a person expresses their basic energy potential and creative drive to grow and develop as an individual.and the fundamental consciousness.  While Venus energizes us with love and optimism, determining how we express emotion in our relationships, especially in love,  and she rules all things of beauty, art, music and high vibrational levels.

So when Venus transits the Sun we get a period of merging of these energies penetrating the Earth.  This is a powerful opportunity for individuals to increase their basic energy potential and fundamental conscious with extremely high levels of Venus's Love, Optimism, Beauty and Good Vibrations. 

What could be more valuable after clearing out all of that Yuck during the New Moon Solar eclipse, but to fill all of that space with LOVE LOVE LOVE! The Universe had ordered these events so perfectly.  These are not coincidences, but obvious fundamental conscious occurences by the Higher Order of Being. 

So, get ready for June 5th, to soak up the effects of the LOVE POWER that has been so beautifully orchestrated for us.  This is an essential next step in our evolutionary process.  Those that have been feeling restless in their current love relationships will soon find out why.  This transit is indictative of the restructuring of Love Relationships as we have known them.  A higher level of Love Relationship is evolving and we will see more and more shifts in relationships as we seek both higher levels of Love and Love relationships with Higher Purpose.

Please see my Blogs on Twin Flames for more info on that!

Until then ---- NAMASTE.  I love you to my maximum potential... and after June 5th I will love you exponentially more and in a much purer way than I understand now. 
Your sister, your friend, your Love, Ariana.
(864) 915-2313

Friday, May 18, 2012

Twin Flames, Einstein, & the Big Bang

According to scientific theory, the first matter was hydrogen, the simplest form if matter.  All there was in the universe was hydrogen.

So, in the beginning, there was Hydrogen. Now, for some reason, the Hydrogen becomes attracted to each other and they start to cluster and merge. When the clusters reach a specific density, they begin to heat up, then to burn. Thus, creating a STAR.

I'm going to stop right there. The Hydrogen becomes attracted to each other, merge, heat up and create a star. Kind of like humans, who, one minute are individuals living their lives floating around and then FOR SOME REASON, they become attracted to each other, merge, their energies collectively heat up and increase dramatically... and then what? Yes, new life can be created from this energy and that, in and of itself is miraculous. However, Einstein's famous theory, E=MCsquared, tells us that M (matter) is equivalent to E (energy) just in a different form. C (Speed of Light) is a constant number. Energy and matter are equal.

It's just, that I have this tugging within me that we, as humans, have not yet evolved to the true understanding of the power of this merging energy.  It is my personal experience that in human relationship energy, 1+1 does not equal 2. Maybe I should rephrase that, 1 person + 1 person does equal 2 people . However if before they met, 1 person's energy measures 10 and the others persons energy measures 8, it is not accurate to assume that their collective total is 18. Why? I do not know. I only know that when I engage with a loved one our energies increase exponentially.  Instead of 18, we can be at 32, or 108, it just depends on the relationship and the interaction.  Then, I believe, not understand this energy or its purpose we end up in an energy struggle of control for power and control of the collective energy.

So where am I going with all of this?

If the evolutionary purpose of hydrogen merging into clusters was to create stars. And those stars consequently fused together to create a slightly more complex element of matter/ energy called Helium. Which led to the next evolutionary merging which made another even slightly more complex matter/ energy, Lithium... And so on through the chart of elements from 8th grade Science class. Then this evolution should logically STILL be in effect with the currently most complex  collection of energy/ mass, humans.

Now, relate this to the human experience.  Are we not like these stars? Merging energies only to become elevated in complexity of energy somehow? I'm not referring to the gift of offspring at this point, I am referring to the merging of energies and consciousness.

What it the purpose of Attraction between two people? Not just sexual attraction, but as simple as I met someone and it was like I've known them forever. We exchange energy and information. We elevate and become more complex and energized. Spiritually, there are many romantic and appealing explanations. Despite my affinity for those projections, I've been struck from a scientific viewpoint, what is the purpose of attraction? Why does the man I share babies with, no longer capture my heart and send my energies soaring? Why does the one after him who seemed like a spiritual awakening no longer have any hold over my heart or energy levels? How could someone new have taken that place and sent me into an ever deeper level of consciousness? Are these relationships merely about our evolution? Does this destroy, or support, our beloved Twin Flame Theory? Will those of us who are courageous enough to continually evolve, be constantly merging with someone new? Or will we eventually find the one that we merge with, heat up together to such a burning that we become what we always were, a STAR. Together we go home to our place of true origin.

Which brings me to an image that I recieved in meditation not just a few days ago... The Lotus Flower of Fire.  I did not understand the imagery when it came to me, but it fits in here nicely.

A man and woman, sitting in lotus position facing each other. Their chakras are connected by energy chords.  As energy builds, they ignite and become consumed by the Lotus Flower of Fire...and, in theory, ascend back home in this way. 

Many blessings to you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

SoulMates, Twin Flames, and the Love Revolution

About two years ago, I looked around my world and noticed that Love Relationships seemed to be changing. 9 out of 10 of my close friends ( and their friends ) were in dissatisfying marriages, some for many years.  'Stuck', 'soulless', 'walking dead', 'going through life like a zombie' were some of the more dramatic terms that I began to hear frequently.  Many were more vague, 'there's just something missing'. The more people I spoke to, the more I became suspicious that this was part of a global shift in consciousness. Love relationships as we once defined them, were no longer feeding our souls. It seemed to me that what was occurring was a common longing for a deeper intimacy and love that most could not quite define.

As we move into states of higher consciousness, I feel we need multiple terms for varying developments of 'Love'.  This deeper Love that I feel is sparking this longing differs from the Universal Love energy that permeates all things and is a deep part of our Divine Spirit and our true natural state.  That Universal Love energy is a constant.  It cannot evolve, we evolve to it

What I am referring to is the Intimate Love bond between two people. The restlessness within so many intimate relationships is an indication to me that there is a need for this emotion and / or these relationships to evolve.  The restlessnesswe are experiencing seems to be a longing for something that has been missing throughout so many lifetimes that we have forgotten what it was.  Something so much a part of us that we know that it is not there, but we no longer know how to define it. 

I began to seek the answer to my own deep longing.

'Soulmate' no longer fit the bill.  I had met many soulmates in my life and many of those relationships have been non-intimate in nature.  Who are Soulmates and how do they attain that status?  Some say simply that Soulmates are people you have had many past life experiences with and therefore have developed a bond that threads through time.  Some go on to say that they are also part of a 'Soul Group'.  Going deeper, it seems that depending on your origin of Star Stuff, so defines your Soul Group and therefore Soulmates with whom you have had many past life experiences.

Then a buzz word started cropping up all around me. TWIN FLAME.

The Twin Flame has been defined in a way that reminds me of the Yin / Yang symbol.  The Yin and Yang are seperate entities that merge together to create one unit of perfect balance.  So the Twin Flame is defined as one perfectly balanced soul unit comprised of two seperate soul entities that are seperated and sent to earth to evolve for Ascension and rejoin back into its higher whole.

According to the definition of the Twin Flame experience, every relationship that we have throughout time is to evolve towards Ascension and prepare us for the merging with our lost Twin Flame.  As we are collectively evolving, preparing for Ascension, so too are we evolving  in our Love Relationships to closer match the love involved in a relationship with our Twin Flame.

I choose to believe that this phenomenon exists. My perfect balance is out there preparing to merge with me.  Together we will create an exponential level of Love energy fueling the acceleration of the global evolution.  My Twin Flame and I will complete our evolution together by assisting the global community and ultimately ascend and actually, finally, go home.  Together.

 Or maybe, I'm just a hopeless romantic star-gazer chasing unicorns and fairy dust...

May you find the LOVE you seek,
however you choose to define it.

(864) 915-2313


Friday, May 11, 2012

Alternative Healing Techniques

In 1995, I almost died.  I'd been extremely ill for days, but merely resigned myself to bedrest waiting for it to pass.  After several days of this, I awoke and realized that my skin was a greenish grey and I could not move.  I was 3 years into dabbling with Wholistic studies (but obviously not practicing properly), and that day was the beginning of my serious personal study of Wholistic Healing. 

I did not go to a doctor that day.  I did not go to a hospital either. A friend took me to my first Wholistic Healer, a Reiki Master and Colon Hydrotherapist by the name of Ruby Cooper in New York City. That experience led me to a greater understanding of the physical, spiritual, and mental bodies and how they ALL need to be kept healthy and fit to maintain a whole healthy being. 

When one or more of these bodies is ailing, illnesses will and do manifest. I am not a medical practioner by any means.  I have intimate bonds with many people in the health professions and have utmost respect for their work, however my history prior to and after that moment of near-death has been consistent.  Modern medicine consistently has misdiagnosed me from as far back as when I was 11 when I told the school Registered Nurse that I had scoliosis (curvature of the spine) during standard scoliosis testing of the students.  She told me I was wrong and sent me on my way.  I told my mom, who believed the nurse.  The next year at the standard check-ups again, I told the nurse I was sure I had scoliosis, she checked me and said I was fine.  I demanded that my mother take me for x-rays at my Pediatrician.  Xray Results, 20 degree angle, curvature of the spine.  My conclusion, you better know your body's signals and nuances, it is signalling you of ailments with aches, pains and abnormalities.  Modern medicine can only hypothesize based on a series of clues and past histories.

Illness, pains and abnormalities of the body manifest to alert us of toxins that have taken hold within mind, body, and spirit. I blog specifically about BACKACHES here. Addressing all three bodies, mental, physical, and spiritual, are essential to full success in uncovering, discovering and discarding that which is causing the toxic build up that creates the illness.

I highly recommend BACK TO EDEN by Jethro Kloss as my main resource for Herbal, cleansing, and eating remedies that I adhere to as best as I can to nourish the physical body.  The physical body, in and of itself, is a powerful healing tool.  Under non-abusive conditions, the human physical body WILL HEAL ITSELF.  Unfortunately, McDonalds, Coca Cola and Starbucks are some of the major culprits of self-imposed abuse of our physical bodies.

When dealing with major illnesses, specifically of the cancer and pre-cancerous varieties, I cannot stress enough the need to eliminate completely
  • Coffee
  • Soda
  • White sugars and ALL man-made sweeteners
  • PreProcessed foods, TV dinners, Microwaved food, boxed food, etc 
  • Refined flour products, (most common breads and pastas)
  • Meats (especially red meats and poultry)
UGH! What do I eat, you cry?!
Especially, if the body is battling a dramatic amount of toxins that has led up to serious illnesses such as Cancer or evidence of PreCancerous cell growth, I believe strongly in Jethro Kloss's menu of -
  • Fresh Purified water (at least a gallon or 4 Liters a day)
  • Herbal Teas (this doesn't count in your water intake- BACK TO EDEN will outline which herbal teas will help with specific ailments, however RED CLOVER TEA, ECHINCEA TEA are fabulous blood purifiers/ detoxifiers that I have seen great success with.
  • Whole grains - whole grain bread, whole grain rices, quinoa, wheat germ, etc
  • Fresh fruits and Fresh Vegetables - eaten whole, raw, or only lightly cooked to preserve the natural enzymes
  • Vegetable Juicing - For an overly toxified body, this is a great way to quickly reverse the process, add life energy to the body, enzymes, vitamins and minerals that the body has been lacking.  My favorite Juicer is the Juiceman Jr. My favorite juice is 3 carrots, 3 celery stalks and a chunk of ginger root this size of a Peach pit.
Do not rely on supplements in a toxified body.  Supplements in pill form are rarely absorbed by the toxified body properly.  Tinctures (liquid herbs), Herbal teas, and Vegetable juicing are the best absorbed for healing until the toxified body begins a rejunvenated elimination process.

Now that we've talked about what should (and should not) go into the body during the healing process, we must talk about the elimination process.  I personally believe that most disease starts in the colon with improper elimination.  A properly functioning body should eliminate solid waste 3 times a day.  Yeah. I found that astounding when I first discovered that various tribes of jungles and outback, with no access to McDonalds or Coca Cola, have this phenom occur.

Paying particular attention to elimination is a really important part of healing and awareness to your health.  (I am on regular Poop Patrol with my boys 5 and 7).  A nice laxative tea will often clear out a cold faster than any modern medicine because the elimination gives the body a clearer opportunity to focus on healing the infection.  The same principle applies with greater health issues.

In individuals who are suffering from major health issues, they need to monitor their elimination and experiment with the need for laxative teas and/or salt washes (drinking non-Iodized table salt or Epsoms).  Epsom Salt soaks in a hot bath are wonderous.  The skin is your largest organ for elimination and the Salt Soak absorbs toxins right through the skin.  It is also quite helpful for the muscle aches that you are likely to experience as you flush toxins and shift your body chemistry back to its original state.

And for the really serious patient, the colon hydrotherapy cleansing will change your life.  This will assist in cleansing toxins in a faster and more complete way than any other form.  While not pleasant, it has had an essential place in health and healing to the rich, royal, and/or famous for centuries.

If you read my blog on BACKACHES, I discuss the psychosomatic purposes behind some aches and pains in the back specifically.  For anyone interested in this concept, I recommend that you refer to Loiuse Hay (a Cancer survivor herself), author of HEAL YOUR BODY, which I keep on my mobile Kindle to refer to constantly. Although brief and cryptic, it gives a good starting point for what psychosomatic issues may be creating toxic blockages in these certain areas. 

For instance, a friend asked about issues with Renal Cancer which spread to the Lungs.  Renal Cancer, a type of kidney cancer that starts in the lining of very small tubes (tubules) in the kidney, according to Louise Hay's studies, Cancer is a manifestation of Resentments.  Issues with the Kidneys signifies an immature approach to life, treating oneself like or reacting to life like a child. Issues with criticism, failure, and/or shame. 

Personally, I find journalling to be a particularly useful tool in uncovering inner emotional turmoil that may not be within one's consciousness.  Asking questions and journalling about the possibility of these issues can open an area of understanding of oneself that had not been in one's awareness prior.  Uncovering these emotional issues, discovering the source or root of these emotional issues and discarding (releasing to God, your angels, the Universe, whatever feels right to you) will create a new space of peace within you where you may not have realized a "hurt" or heaviness to have existed.

Furthermore, concerning our subject patient, the malfunction of the kidneys causes a toxification of the bloodstream which is of utmost concern.  With the ailment is being carried throughout the body, it can attach and grow anywhere, and it has, in the lungs.  To begin I would recommend, remove carcinogens from the diet (coffee and Diet Coke are my two personal worst offenders) Man-made sweeteners, BAD! Burnt food is carcinogenic, cigarettes - you gotta quit, and red meats slow the system from functioning properly and therefore slow the healing process as well.  Also, I would highly recommend lots of Fresh water and lots of RED CLOVER TEA is a major priority in this case.

According to Louise Hay, issues with the lungs indicate a fear of breathing in life, or a fear of living life fully (or at all).  Making a particular point to practice deep Yogic breathing described in the GREEN LIGHT HEALING MEDITATION, should be helpful in this. My personal experience is that issues with the lungs and breathing is also a deficiency of the Heart Chakra.  Holding the shoulders back, lifting the chest towards the heavens and breathing healing light into the heart area regularly throughout the day is of miraculous assistance.  I suggest journalling to uncover the source of why one might have manifested this emotional issue. Again, I ultimately suggest journalling to uncover the emotional source of why one might have manifested their disease.

Healing of the Spiritual Body, in my mind is the most powerful of all three practices.  As we learn more and more about the common thread in all things, energy, we learn that manipulation of such energies can have dramatic effects on the physical world we live in.

For the patient, turning to regular Spiritual practice that resonates with the individual has great effects on the success of healing and reversal of disease.  Whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, New Age, Buddhist... the list can go on, the final results are all the same, regular practice in a personal spiritual ritual and (even more powerful) regular associations in a spiritual fellowship will be of utmost importance.  All are welcome to join the International Healing Forum for a community of Spiritually connected souls perform group meditations and fellowship of Love, Unity and Global Peace.

Group Prayer / Group Healing Meditations
This is a fabulous way to extend Spiritual Healing energies to the diseased individual.  Building up energies of Love and Healing intentions while focussing on the individual offers some of the best results.  For those who work with Angels and other Spiritual Elementals, their unique and powerful energies offer significant assistance.  Organizing regular Healing Meditations for the individual offers up great healing effects.

Individual Energy Healing
Even if you are not adept with Energy Healing, anyone can offer up great Individual Energy Healing Services to a loved one.  Whether through long distance prayer/ meditation as described above, or if a face-to-face encounter is possible, then there is much you can do to help.  When it is someone that you care about, it should not be too hard to fill your heart with Love and Light.  Hugging the ailing individual with great love for any amount of time can create great energy shifts towards further healing.  Also, with Love in your heart and with intention of healing, rub your hands together to build up warmth and energy and lay your loving, healing hands on their area of disease.  Imagine your love pouring into them and dissolving the disease.  (Encourage them to drink a lot of water after these sessions to remove the loosened toxins.)  Just make them laugh and in states of extreme gratitude.

For the Ailing Individual
Watch a lot of funny movies.  Stay in laughter and gratitude. (I encourage you to get your hands on a copy of the movie THE SECRET which has an amazing true life example of a woman who beat breast cancer with some of these techniques and may offer encouragement and hope.) Adopting the Mantra of gratitude, "Thank you for my Life" or "Thank you for my healthy body" knowing it to be so has been offered with great success.  Keep yourself around positive, uplifting people who can offer you love and laughter.  The powerful healing within the Love / Joy / Bliss emotions will astound you.

I haven't even gotten into Energy Medicine itself!!! I highly suggest learning the Triple Warmer Sedation technique that will alter your body's healing properties by adjusting and aligning the energy meridians used in Accupuncture.  However, there are techniques that can be done with just your fingers or a metal spoon.  Check out Energy Medicine Guru, Donna Eden's book, ENERGY MEDICINE. You can also YouTube Donna Eden for some great visuals on techniques you can use to balance your energy systems to assist the body in healing itself.  She is an amazing woman! You will see her inner light instantly.

Phew! Namaste.  I love you dearly.  May you find Health, Peace and Blissful amounts of Joy for today is full of miracles for those who are open to see. :@

Contact me on Twitter @ArianaZariah

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why Does My Back Ache?

Are you Suffering from Backaches? 
Explore these ideas with an open mind and you may find some relief that your Doctor or Chiropractor doesn't know about.

If you are suffering from backaches you may get some added relief from exploring the psychosomatic (of or pertaining to a physical disorder that is caused by or notably influenced by emotional factors) reasons behind your ailment.  Louise Hay has a fabulous book out on this topic called "Heal Your Body" which I have on my mobile Kindle.  Between her assessments and my own experiences, I would like to share with you some ideas of why you may suffer from specifically issues in your back and how to work on healing them.

The reason I am pinpointing the back is because I heard an intuitive healer once discuss that when we have a "hurt" or unresolved issue that we do not want to deal with, nor do we want to "look at it" anymore, we stick it behind us.  However, because it is unresolved it is still "attached" to us.  So then, where does this issue go?  It attaches somewhere to our back and because it is a "hurt" it causes pain in the area where it attaches.

Heartache manifests is many ways in the body.  Heart and lung diseases and ailments, hunched-over posture (protecting the heart), as well as pain in the back directly behind the heart.

If you have a tendancy to say people or things are a Pain in the Neck or a Pain in the "Arse", you will be likely to manifest pain in the area that you talk about.  What you focus on, expands into reality.  Work to change your language in these areas.  An intuitive healer that I know has replaced the phrase, "it's to die for" to "it's to LIVE for".  It's really quite brilliant!

Louise Hay references that pains in the lower back could also attribute to issues with Financial Fears or beliefs in Lacking Abundance.  As we study the Law of Attraction, we learn that the Universe is Unlimited in Abundance and Unlimited in Possibilities.  Thoughts of Lack, create Less of.  Focussing on your Abundance, creates more Abundance.

Louise Hay also references that Neck Pain is attributed to a stubbornness or inflexibility and refusing to see other perspectives on issues.

Any issues that you choose not to address, work through and/or deal with can metaphysically "put behind you" and attach to your back causing a pain somewhere back there.  I found a large pain between my shoulder blades that was attributed to Humiliation.  Any issues of humiliation added to the pain that existed there until I started to work to clear out that issue within my psyche to heal my body.

Now that I've given you some ideas as to why you may have some back pain, I suggest you explore within your own intuition what sounds right, what feels right to you.  Only you, know your body.  The pain is there to alert you to something that needs work.

Here are two of my favorite meditations for alleviating the issues behind the pain.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor,nor a medical professional. I make no medical claims. This information is based off of my own experience and is purely for Spiritual exploration.

(864) 915-2313


Archangel Michael is usually depicted with a sword or spear. Historically he was first seen as a healing angel, and then over time as a Protector and the leader of the army of God against the forces of evil. Learn More...

Archangel Michael is always available to act as Protector to those in need.  His powerful silver sword is unparalleled for the purposes of Cord Cutting.

What is Cord Cutting and why might I need it?  We are all connected to some degree by energy.  "It's time to cut the cords." A common saying with more truth than many realize.  "It has been so hard to detach." Many say of a passionately toxic relationship. 
"My boss/neighbor/ex-lover is such a pain in my A--!" Time to cut the cords. These are energy cords that connect us.  In a healthy, expansive relationship these cords are useful for a reciprocal energy exchange where both people are elevated in energy, success, abundance, happiness, etc.  When the relationship turns hurtful, emotionally draining, and/or toxic it is essential to consciously cut the cords and Archangel Michael is the most powerful way to do this.

I recommend beginning in a comfortable seated position only because doing meditation lying down can result in falling asleep (which while pleasant, does divert us from the purpose of the Meditation.)

Take several long slow deep breaths start by filling your abdomen and fill up into your chest, then exhale from your chest, downwards and pulling the bellybutton into the spine.  On each inhale, draw Pure Divine Light down from the heavens into your body, as you exhale visualize negative thoughts, emotions, stress exiting your body (I usually visualize it as a brown smoggy smoke).  Repeat this process until you feel your body relaxing.

With eyes closed, "look to your Third eye" (the space between the eyes just above the browline.)  Visualize the Divine Light connecting to the top of your head (Crown Chakra) and filling your body with Light.  Open your Heart and Call upon ArchAngel Michael to come forth.

You may only sense a glow of Light and a huge sword.  Trust that ArchAngel Michael is with you.  Feel the Divine Love and Desire to Protect that emanates from his being.  Explain your situation, either aloud or in your thoughts whichever feels right to you.  Ask him to cut the cords that afflict your body, mind and spirit.  You may know who is connected to you, you may not.  Be as specific as you can.

When he lifts his mighty sword and slices through the cord see the Divine Light burn the ends of the cords into your body, where the Light heals you and frees you of the draining / painful connection.  Visualize the Light burning the other end of the cord and send Blessings of Healing to the person (if known) who has afflicted you.  If you are not conscious of who has been connected to, you should still send Blessings of Healing to whoever is at the end of the cord.  This is not only to help heal them that they may not need to attach so quickly or frequently to you or someone else, but to heal yourself from any resentment that may have manifested by the connection.

When you feel you have cut all of the cords, extend blessings and gratitude to Archangel Michael for his assistance.  At this point I will surround myself in some kind of protective shield so I can recharge my energy and hold off new connections.  (Often if the connection is powerful, the person will resurface and attempt to reconnect.  You may need to repeat this process several times before that person moves on.)  The protective sheilds I have used have been a shield of mirrors, a barrier of White Light, Fairies, Shields emblazoned with crosses or any mystical symbol that resonates with you.  It's up to you. 

Know that it works, because it does.

May this free you of Energy Vampires, Crazy Makers, and Lost Souls who know nothing else. 

(864) 915-2313

Green Light Meditation


This is a powerful Meditation, that quite honestly, can be done with any color light you intuitively feel is appropriate for yourself.  However, for beginners, I generally suggest sticking to White Light or Green Light for this particular Mediation.  Emerald Green has strong healing qualities and white is the purest form of Light. 

I recommend beginning in a comfortable seated position only because doing meditation lying down can result in falling asleep which while pleasant does avert from the purpose of Meditating. :)

Take several long slow deep breaths start by filling your abdomen and fill up into your chest, then exhale from your chest, downwards and pulling the bellybutton into the spine.  On each inhale, draw Pure Divine Light down from the heavens into your body, as you exhale visualize negative thoughts, emotions, stress exiting your body (I usually visualize it as a brown smoggy smoke).  Repeat this process until you feel your body relaxing.

Start at your toes and visualize the Light filling your toes releasing tensions from your feet and filling with Light, move up to your ankles releasing tensions and negativity and filling with light.  Take your time, slowly making your way up your body, focussing at each part, releasing tension and negativity. Take extra time on areas in which you've experienced pain at any part of the day.
Your knees, Your thighs, Your buttocks, Your reproductive system, Your abdomen, Your solar plexus, Any parts of your back that have had pain, Your lungs, Your heart, Your chest, Your shoulders, Your neck, Your fingers, Your hands, Your wrists, Your forearms, Your elbows, Your upper arms, recheck your shoulders and neck, Your jaw and mouth, Your face and sinuses, Your eyes and ears, Your Third Eye, Your skull and brain, and finally the top of your head blasting light out to the universe.

Visualize your entire body glowing through and through with this Divine Light of Pure Love and Healing.  Intensify this Light. Turn it up Brighter and Brighter to burn off any of the tension and negativity that you may have not yet released.  Visualize the Light extending outside the confines of your earthly body.  Visualize the light shooting out 3 feet all around you. 

Know that this Divine Light has strengthened your connection to Spirit, empowered you and healed you.  Take the time to enjoy this healing.  Relax in the glow of the Divine Light.

When you are done extend Gratitude from your heart out into the Universe. 

(864) 915-2313

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What you Focus on Expands

What you Focus on Expands, what you obsess over Destroys.

This has been a hard lesson for this little Spirit to learn.  Discerning between pinpointed Focus and the Attachment of Obsession can be difficult when caught up in the moment.  The element of Need occurs when Attachment is in play.  The Need, implies that you are lacking something, which sends mixed messages to the Universe when you are in process of manifesting abundance.  If the Attachment grows and the Need takes over, that is when Obsession occurs.

For Example:
When one is focussing on Love in a healthy manifesting way, one is focussing on ALL THINGS in the NOW that trigger the Love sensation.  When this practice manifests the desired Love Mate, then we must take care in not transferring all of our Love attention onto the new Love Mate, neglecting all other things in that Now that created the space for the Love Mate to occur. 

When all pinpointed focus becomes centered on one thing, for instance, the new Love Mate, we fall spiralling into Attachment, false beliefs of Need and consequently into Obsession.  This cycle will not only destroy the health and well-being of the Love Sensation within your soul that you created by focussing on the Love of all things in the Now, but in turn will also destroy the health and well-being of the Love sensation between you and the object of Need or Obsession, the Love Mate.  The beautiful, pure, Divine Love sensation that occurred between the two of you in the beginnings of the relationship then turns obsessive, fearful, jealous and toxic.  Phew. 

So then the trick to a healthy, Divine Love relationship is to continue to appreciate and Love all things in the Now, adding in that special Love Mate.  If you've been through this cycle in some way and I'm sure you can relate.

In this moment I am extending gratitude to the Lost Love Mate, for teaching me this difficult lesson.

Here's to manifesting Love in your life.  And if you are truly blessed, you may encounter your Twin Flame.
I send you blessings of loving, pearly pink light to give you a Boost of Love as you continue on your journey.


(864) 915-2313