Sunday, April 17, 2016

Access Consciousness - GET YOUR BARS RUN! by Ariana Zariah, DM

Celebrate Life! Thank yourself for exploring Access Bars! This is a life-changing modality for those that are willing to receive and allow change to occur. I have personally experienced amazing shifts in mind, body and spirit; and have had great pleasure and excitement in watching dramatic change occur through facilitating Access Bars on them and running powerful clearing statements. I also incorporate working with Entities (Guides, Angels, deceased loved ones, etc) in assisting in facilitating healing. In a one hour Bars Session, we can focus on specific issues or see where consciousness directs the session. Sessions are usually quite dynamic when I facilitate! I have had deceased loved ones pop in with a messages, seen past life issues that assist in healing current day blocks, and seen some tremendous life shifts with clients! Thank you for choosing to experience Access. In one session, at the worst you will feel like you've had a nice massage, and at the best, YOUR WHOLE LIFE CAN CHANGE. Please email me to learn how you can experience Access Bars, or how to become Certified as an Access Bars Practitioner. When you let go of your own subconscious limitations, the possibilities for expansion become unlimited! 

I have been practicing energy healing since I was a child. I am certified in several modalities, but Access Bars is the most powerful and dynamic tool for creating shifts in mind, emotions, body, and spirit for all that I have experienced. I work with ArchAngels and other Entities (Guides, Angels, deceased loved ones, etc) , as well as incorporating crystals into the healing process of my Access Bars Sessions.  Wherever Spirit guides me, I follow. I teach many classes on healing and change through the Intuitive Awakening Institute. Are you ready to allow your life to be even more glorious and expansive than it already is? Join me on this amazing journey called life!

Watch This Video :NeuroScientist puts a Brain under Study Before & After Access Bars


The Day after my Access Bars session I was exhausted from all of the releasing of negative energy. The next few days I found myself able to cry and really release some deep issues and am now experiencing more joy than ever... and the best orgasms in years! -J.S. 

I would like to schedule another appointment with you and I have given your name to several people.  I have been feeling great, dramatic shift in moods and perceptions. Very Amazing! Thanks. :) Rachelle

I just wanted to say thank you for the session yesterday.  My intuition seems to be off the charts and have been feeling more powerful overall!  Thank you.  I will be in touch.  - John L.

I know it has been quite some time since we've connected but recently I was compelled to let you know the profound affect our Access Bars session has done for me.  The Session was focussed on reconnecting with my inner Diva and youthful sensuality of mind, body and spirit.  Since that session, something completely shifted for me.  I have been running for several months now, lost 60 lbs, have a ton more energy and look 10 years younger!  Thank you for kick-starting my amazing journey back to a younger, sexier me! -Beth

I know that this was not the intent set in my Access Bars session, but I have lost all desire to stop smoking pot.  I haven't smoked in two weeks!  I also have a lot more... let's just say... I got my MOJO back! Yes... my girl is so happy!  Thank you... I'll be back! -Anonymous

Get Your Bars Run and Find out!

(864) 610-5320

Thursday, March 31, 2016

ANGEL-ASSISTED HOME CLEARING/BLESSING - Remove harmful entities, energies, Portals, and much more!

Does your home have strange occurrances?  Are there weird spots of energy?  Do you or your loved ones experience unexplained irritability or discomfort in the home?  Do you or your loved ones experience issues of mental or physical health that you cannot explain?  Maybe you or others in your home "feel" as though someone else is there when no one else is around.  You are likely experiencing one of many types of energetic or damaging forces that can be plaguing your home or office. 

Incorporating Intuitive Abilities, communication with Arch Angels, Spirit Guides, and The Great Creator of All, facilitates the most thorough and powerful form of Home/Office Energy Clearing.  

Some entities in your home or space are benevolent, such as your personal guides, angels, or loving deceased ancestors.  WE DO NOT DISTURB BENEVOLENT ENERGIES OR ENTITIES.  
All work done is to only dissipate, transmute and remove ill-intending, malicious, or trickster energies and entities that are creating dis-Ease of mind, body and spirit within the home and its inhabitants.  We go FAR DEEPER than those clearing homes with Sage or Holy Water.  This is because we are attending to historical and energetic geological issues that often run under the home plaguing it from below.

I will share a story of a past client:  Her home was built on an Indian burial ground.  However, she had a history prior to moving into this home to be plagued by "things moving in her previous home". This led me to believe that the entities were attached to her and not entities on the land.  Prior to meeting me, she had a Healer come to her home on the Indian land and clear it.  After this Healer cleared her home, the activity actually got worse.  Through communication with my guides, I came to believe that the entities that traveled with her from the last house to this home were malevolent, tricksters trying to scare and feed off of the energy of her and her young daughter.  What we further discovered from Spirit Communications, was that the Indians were attempting to protect her and her daughter from the malevolent entities... and when the previously hired healer did a clearing, she cleared out the protective Indians and never addressed the real issue at hand!!!  Since then we have welcomed the benevolent Indian Spirits back, if they so desired to stay attached to the land.  We also had to dissipate, transmute and send into the Light the Malevolent entities that have been plaguing her and her daughter for several years.  Word to the wise, not all healers know what they are doing!

These Angel-Assisted Clearings dissipate portals, entities, ley lines, vortexes, curses to the home or land, underground waterways, and much more. Clients have experienced increase energy, healthier mind & body, better sleep, and a new sense of emotional and physical freedom.

Here is a testimonial from one of our clients who's son was suffering from disturbed sleep, "seeing" shadow people in his room at night, and irritable emotional states.


Thank you so much for the Angel-Assisted Clearing that you did to my home.  My younger son was afflicted with nightmares and seeing ghosts in his room.  His moods were erratic and he did not seem like the happy child he was before we moved into the home. The morning after the clearing, his room appeared lighter and brighter.  The whole house seemed more open.  Since then he has been sleeping much better and has had a whole month of no late night "visitors" that were scaring him so much!  He's been so much happier and more social.  I feel like I have my son back!!! Thank you! - Jamie

And another from a client suffering from lack of sleep, ghost activity, as well as physical ailments and trouble walking.

I just wanted to take the moment  to thank you again for such a wonderful House Clearing session. I wanted to let you know that since then I have been sleeping better and my sleep is more relaxed and I am  waking up more alert and with more energy. Also my physical aches and pains are without so much intensity. I seem to have found a new sense of peace and joy. Even the cat is sleeping more and has improved appetite! I truly believe that all of this is happening due to the house blessing/ things rise to the surface and dissipate more I feel more love and peace is on its way... so thank you once again. in love and light, Beryl P.

(864) 915-2313

IONIC DETOX - a Relaxing Way to Raise Alkalinity and Remove Toxins & Heavy Metals

I admit it.  As open-minded as I normally consider myself, I really pooh-pooh-ed the Ionic Detox years ago, before I understood what it was or how it worked.

I have done MANY forms of Detoxes - most of which have been juice fasts of some sort coupled with intense forms of "elimination" of waste.  While very effective, these types of detoxes are not fun!  The Ionic Foot Detox seems too simple to be true.

Here's how the system works-
A mild electrical pulse is placed on your wrist while your feet are submerged in warm, salted water with a coil receiver. The electrical pulse attracts the toxins and pulls them through the body and out the feet into the salt water with the coil receiver.  The feet are the perfect exit point because they are some of the large pores in the body.

I have performed many detoxes on people of all ages and health conditions.  One client came with intense pain in her knees from arthritis.  After one 30min session she left feeling that the pain had subsided dramatically.  After several sessions, she was so excited by the results that she and her brothers and sisters pooled their money to buy their own machine.

I had another client struggling with medical obesity and after one session, she said she lost several pounds almost effortlessly.  As the organs are cleansed of toxins, the metabolism increases as the organs no longer have to struggle to do their job!

Another client came to me for overall general health.  Heavy metals began pouring out, session after session, each time creating more energy and ease in his experience.  He was a retired fly-boy for the US Airforce.

Working on planes for 25 years, as well as the build up of leads, mercury, chromium etc in our water and food supply created a massive build up of heavy metals that do not leave the body easily.  In fact the Ionic Detox is the least expensive and least invasive way to remove the heavy metals from the body!! How do we know they are heavy metals?  Place on your finger, one of these black flecks that we find floating in the water and stuck to the receiver coil, and just smell it!  It smells like metal!  Yuck!  Get it out!  Book your Ionic Detox today...
(864) 915-2313

Friday, February 26, 2016

Stop Manifesting What You Do NOT Desire...

What you RESIST PERSISTS, and What you FOCUS ON EXPANDS... "When things aren't working right in your world, often it comes down to Resisting that which you should Focus On , and focusing on that which you Do Not Desire." -A Zariah

Your Mind/Energy is an amazing and powerful manifestation machine!  How many times have we heard, listen to or discussed the elements of Law of Attraction and still could not seem to manifest that which we desire?  Are our goals to lofty, or not in alignment with our Highest Good?  Perhaps, dear one, but perhaps your mind programming is playing tricks on you.  

Often we CLAIM to desire one thing, while or actions and subconscious programming focus on something contradictory.  For example, let's say my friend Girard was attempting to manifest more money into his life.  He is not focussing on his lack or his bills, as he learned in The Secret movie.  He is praying, feeling good and focussing on calling in money.  Now, some money comes from unexpected sources and he is able to pay some bills and take his friend out to dinner and buy that nice trinket he's been wanting for a while... and the next thing Girard knows, he's back to square one and "not focussing on his lack or bills and calling in more money."

If this sounds familiar to you, please read on.  There is a piece of the puzzle that has been missing and it DOES apply to all areas, not just money.

Now, let's look at the story differently.  Girard is appropriately NOT focussing on his lack of money.  In doing that he has chosen to not look at his bank account.  It is small in value and dips below the zero mark from time to time.  When it does this, he is sent into a fear mode, so to resolve this, he does not look at his bank account at all.  The problem with that is this - WHAT YOU RESIST, PERSISTS.  and WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS.  These two Law of Attraction principles go hand in hand... AND directly apply to Girard's cycle of Lack...

What you resist, persists.  Girard is resisting, acknowledging his small bank account.  He is resisting, NURTURING his bank account that it crying out for attention, security and growth.  As he RESISTS that a problem with the bank account  EXISTS, the problem with his bank account PERSISTS.  

Simultaneously, he is ALSO not FOCUSSING on the money he has!  Even if it is only $10.  That is $10 that you should be grateful for.  If you see a penny, pick it up with gratitude and affirm to the Universe, "Thank you! More, please!"  Because what you focus on EXPANDS!  Focus on your money, even if its only a penny, watch your bank account daily, and expand the number in your account both physically, by putting in more that you take out, and energetically by continuing to call in more money sources from the Universe.  Grow your Wealth and Abundance exponentially by becoming diligent in your focus of that which you want in all areas of your life.

(864) 915-2313

Monday, January 25, 2016

MERCURY GOES DIRECT TODAY! What did you learn in Retrograde?

Greetings Spiritual Beings!
Today marks Mercury going Direct and the end of Mercury Retrograde.  Over the course of the next few days (especially with the full moon we had this weekend) the effects of Mercury Retrograde will dissipate.  If you read my last blog, you will remember that Mercury Retrograde is a time of reflection and looking into your past. 

The few days after Mercury goes direct, and the Retrograde energies are slowly calming and adjusting, this is a good time to look back on your experiences over the last few weeks.  How well did you fare during Retrograde?  What did you uncover in your times of reflections?  Did old friends or old loves resurface?  Were you able to remain calm as electronic devices malfunctioned?  Did you revisit old ideas or old dreams?

I admit that my computer gave me some trouble in the last few weeks.  While trying to email an important contract, two laptops failed me.  Normally, this would disrupt my serenity and send me into a fit of anger.  We've all been there!  But I reminded myself that Mercury was testing me and after restarting both computers and repeated failed attempts, I attempted with success to send the contract from my phone.  Phew! 

I had dreams/desires that I had reluctantly abandoned some years ago, resurface with new vigor and new possibilities.  This is a gift of Mercury Retrograde.  It teaches us patience, focus, and reignites old desires, loves and passions that may have been forgotten to the past.

I hope that you have experienced new insights and growth through Mercury Retrograde and have new drive and excitement to create more in your life until the next one on April 29th, 2016 when Mercury will turn retrograde in the stubborn and luxurious sign of Taurus!

Many Blessings!
(864) 915-2313

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What you need to know to survive MERCURY RETROGRADE Jan 5-25

Beautiful Souls & Spiritual Travelers

Jan 5, officially started the first day of Mercury Retrograde and will continue through to January 25th.  Many fear Mercury Retrograde, but truly it is a special time to make great advancements in your inner growth if you have an understanding of its purpose.

Why do people fear or dread Mercury Retrograde?  The planet Mercury is the ruler of Communications, anything associated with communications and local travel.  During this time of Retrograde, the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards in its orbit as seen from Earth and the result for us is that communications (and all tools of communications) seem to go backwards and haywire as well.  This is not a time to mail important letters or packages, sign contracts, buy computers or electronics, or go on a road trip.  All of these things are likely to go awry.  It does not mean it is impossible, it just means read the contract 3 times before signing, expect delays while you travel, and expect unnecessary difficulties with communication devices.  This is not a time to make commitments to new loves or have an in-depth conversation with an on-going partner (business, love, friend or otherwise) because the communication will be "off" and something will be incorrectly perceived and cause unnecessary hardship. This is just Mercury Retrograde. You would be best suited to table the conversation until after Mercury goes back direct.  In fact, wait at least until the 28th or later so the Retrograde energies have dissipated.

So what SHOULD YOU DO during a Mercury Retrograde?  As with all things that seem negative, Mercury Retrograde does have its benefits. Because Mercury Retrograde is "going backwards" in its orbit.  This time is best suited for looking back on our lives and is a great time to go backwards into our past to either revisit/rekindle old loves and relationships, visit old stomping grounds to rekindle our youth, sweet memories and receive messages and opportunities from our Guides and Higher Self.  This is also a great time for introspection.  Look back on your life, your "mistakes", your "relationships" and reflect.  What have you learned?  What can you do better going forward?  What could you have done differently, can can do differently, if and when a similar situation arises again.

Sending Love & Light,
