Monday, January 25, 2016

MERCURY GOES DIRECT TODAY! What did you learn in Retrograde?

Greetings Spiritual Beings!
Today marks Mercury going Direct and the end of Mercury Retrograde.  Over the course of the next few days (especially with the full moon we had this weekend) the effects of Mercury Retrograde will dissipate.  If you read my last blog, you will remember that Mercury Retrograde is a time of reflection and looking into your past. 

The few days after Mercury goes direct, and the Retrograde energies are slowly calming and adjusting, this is a good time to look back on your experiences over the last few weeks.  How well did you fare during Retrograde?  What did you uncover in your times of reflections?  Did old friends or old loves resurface?  Were you able to remain calm as electronic devices malfunctioned?  Did you revisit old ideas or old dreams?

I admit that my computer gave me some trouble in the last few weeks.  While trying to email an important contract, two laptops failed me.  Normally, this would disrupt my serenity and send me into a fit of anger.  We've all been there!  But I reminded myself that Mercury was testing me and after restarting both computers and repeated failed attempts, I attempted with success to send the contract from my phone.  Phew! 

I had dreams/desires that I had reluctantly abandoned some years ago, resurface with new vigor and new possibilities.  This is a gift of Mercury Retrograde.  It teaches us patience, focus, and reignites old desires, loves and passions that may have been forgotten to the past.

I hope that you have experienced new insights and growth through Mercury Retrograde and have new drive and excitement to create more in your life until the next one on April 29th, 2016 when Mercury will turn retrograde in the stubborn and luxurious sign of Taurus!

Many Blessings!
(864) 915-2313


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