Thursday, September 1, 2022



UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & NO JUDGEMENT                                                                          Recently, I had a client come for a reading with highly emotional political opinions.  She was very charged and in opposition to my personal viewpoints. She intensely blurted her beliefs and frustrations.  Much of which  I disagreed with.  WOW! It was a challenge to stay grounded.  I did a quick reading for her on her personal life question and then I asked her if we could do work to dissipate her intense emotions, to help with her clam and clarity.  She agreed. I spent 30 minutes helping her through the intense childhood trauma that was driving her adult anger.  It began to make sense to me. She had been contemplating huge life changes based on her anger from violence in her childhood.
Was she making her choices as an adult or a 6 year old wounded child?  My job as a Spiritual Advisor and Energetic Trauma Healer are NOT to tell you how to think or what to do, nor is it to label you as right or wrong.  My job is to help resolve any past trauma that is exacerbating the charged emotions. What my client thinks and feels after a clearing is often different.  I have no control over that, nor do I desire to control them.  I do desire to create space, calm, ease, and clarity.  I do my best not to take on their karma by telling them what to do.  
I am having to use a similar approach with my 15 yr old who wants to make some really detrimental life decisions that his dad and I don't agree with.  Can we resolve the trauma that is likely creating these choices before he's 18?  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe even fully healed, he will do what he says he wants to do.  
I can only be loving and help their healing.  And the rest is between each individual and their Creator🙏    

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