Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Learn to Clear & Activate Chakras & the Aura

 CHIOS Level 1 - In this informative, hands-on certification class, you will learn to sense energy (also known as reiki or chi)  The focus will be to sense the aura (energy field around the body) and the chakra energy centers of the body. The class exercises will teach you how to channel healing energies to clear, cleanse, balance and recharge the aura and chakra centers.  The powerful CHIOS meditation will help to open your intuition and focus the power of  your mind. Your Master Teacher will guide you on how to perform CHIOS chakra balancing on yourself, as well as how to perform CHIOS chakra balancing and aura charging to others.  This powerful healing art  includes the transformational CHIOS LEVEL 1 Attunement by your Master Teacher which opens the energy channels of the hands and activates your 3rd eye.   This Level 1 class  is a pre-requisite  to  Advanced CHIOS -  Level 2.  

You will receive your Level I Certificate at the end of class. 

Class  is  $150   
Register here:

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