Monday, November 5, 2018

November is Gratitude Month

"What we focus on expands"

When we are faced with challenging times, stresses of the day to day, and / or faced with the challenges and stresses of others, it can be easy to find ourselves in frustration, fear, or grief.  We want to be heard and sometimes we share our struggles and disappointments.  Sometimes that "sharing" takes over our world.  It is when these hardships of thought, word, or vibration start to take the forefront of our minds and experience, that they become a real problem in our world.  They create more stress and hardship.  So if you are spun out in a cycle of challenges, this is a time to stop and find our gratitude. 

What are you grateful for right this moment?  Take time to feel that gratitude in your heart and thank Spirit for whatever that is for you.  The more gratitude "time outs" you take, the more moments worthy of gratitude will appear in your world.  What we focus on expands. 

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