Thursday, October 13, 2022


 I'm really looking forward to my next session.  Had a great experience the first time. I don't think I can put into words how much Ariana has helped me.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


My time with Ariana was amazing! I walked out feeling lighter, happier (and with less neck pain) than I have in years! It's been three days and I'm still just amazed!


Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 This client had a tumor removed from her face.  The surgical sight was very visible and very painful.  After only 1 LONG DISTANCE SESSION  (she was several states away from me), this was the text she sent me the next day.  

Hi Ariana.  I just needed to let you know that when I got up this morning and looked in the mirror there was an 80% improvement!  No exaggeration.  Incredible! I also felt happy for the time in weeks.  Another interesting aspect is that I have experience synchronicity after synchronicity all morning. Bless you! 


Thursday, September 1, 2022



UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & NO JUDGEMENT                                                                          Recently, I had a client come for a reading with highly emotional political opinions.  She was very charged and in opposition to my personal viewpoints. She intensely blurted her beliefs and frustrations.  Much of which  I disagreed with.  WOW! It was a challenge to stay grounded.  I did a quick reading for her on her personal life question and then I asked her if we could do work to dissipate her intense emotions, to help with her clam and clarity.  She agreed. I spent 30 minutes helping her through the intense childhood trauma that was driving her adult anger.  It began to make sense to me. She had been contemplating huge life changes based on her anger from violence in her childhood.
Was she making her choices as an adult or a 6 year old wounded child?  My job as a Spiritual Advisor and Energetic Trauma Healer are NOT to tell you how to think or what to do, nor is it to label you as right or wrong.  My job is to help resolve any past trauma that is exacerbating the charged emotions. What my client thinks and feels after a clearing is often different.  I have no control over that, nor do I desire to control them.  I do desire to create space, calm, ease, and clarity.  I do my best not to take on their karma by telling them what to do.  
I am having to use a similar approach with my 15 yr old who wants to make some really detrimental life decisions that his dad and I don't agree with.  Can we resolve the trauma that is likely creating these choices before he's 18?  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe even fully healed, he will do what he says he wants to do.  
I can only be loving and help their healing.  And the rest is between each individual and their Creator🙏    

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Reiki Healing


Ariana is a person  to go to when you feel "stuck" and you want to heal your energy.  I did a reiki session with her, and I felt so much lighter and at peace after the session.  Definitely try Brain Access Session - so relaxing!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


 Ariana has a true gift.  You can feel the energy flow through her.  She has been a blessing indeed.  

Tuesday, July 12, 2022



I have met with Ariana twice and both experiences were absolutely life changing. I felt like a different person after! I would see her every week if I hadn't moved away. She's amazing and I can't recommend her enough. Everyone should have someone like Ariana in their life!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022



Ariana I'm feeling blessed to have met you and have you in my life now.  I had an amazing experience in Access Bars Class.  Thank you for all you have done for me and help me with my healing process.  I'm definitely looking forward to continuing with any other class you may have.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


This is my second visit to Namaste Healing Arts. The first time a was there, I experienced so much change in my whole body. The pain in my lower back that I’ve suffered for many years completely desapeared in one session. Thank you Ariana! You’re the best.❤️🙏🙏🙏


This is my second visit to Namaste Healing Arts. The first time a was there, I experienced so much change in my whole body. The pain in my lower back that I’ve suffered for many years completely desapeared in one session. Thank you Ariana! You're the best

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Good morning!  Lover your vibrance, energy and focus! Such a great class! It was such a fabulous learning experience! I had to overcome a few of my own glitches but once I settled it became even more magical and enlightening! Thank you for holding space for me Saturday.  I'm sure teach will correct the issues and it'll connect! 😁 It was a pleasure to finally meet you! I do look forward to connecting with you, again.  Yes, keep me posted about the Chios class! I'm so excited about learning, practicing and sharing this modality. It's another piece beautiful piece in my puzzle.  I appreciate you and thank you for being a part of my journey! Peace & Blessings! 🐣🦚🦋🔥

Wednesday, May 18, 2022



Ariana is genuine, talented, caring and loving!!! When you come to her for guidance or to have some healing done, she gets to the root of any issues you may have and makes you feel great! When I leave, I leave feeling like my soul was recharged and energized. She always spends the time with me to make sure I am getting what I need and that I understand what I am feeling. My new journey is just starting and she has helped me immensely already! I am blessed to have her guiding and working with me on this journey and I am honored to share this experience with her. She is awesome at what she does and I cannot recommend her enough to anyone that may need a little boost to their step or has deeper rooted issues that require a little more work. Ariana is a genuine healer!


 For those of you interested in trying out one of these amazing services, 

* Clearing the Clutter of Your Soul

* 30 Minute Soul Reading

* Combo: Reading & Energy Clearing

These Spring Specials offered at Discount Prices are ending soon!
Visit and Click on the "SPRING SPECIALS" tab for more information.
Read our testimonials and check out our upcoming classes!


Wednesday, May 4, 2022


I went into see Ariana feeling very heavy and suffering. She was fantastic and fearless as she removed the ancestral negativity from my auric field. I could feel the weight lifting and my divine power return to me. She is a wonderful light worker! I highly recommend her!

Thursday, April 28, 2022


It’s never hard to find the right words when it comes to speaking about Ariana. I can only think back with appreciation on what a wonderful teacher she was, and still is. Her Chios Energy Healing class was enlightening and fulfilling. I must say that there are those rare few who deliver their teachings with such warmth and sincerity, these attributes are such an important element if one wants there students to continue to grow beyond the class room and she does. I am glad Ariana was my teacher; she opened up more than just my mind but my heart as well. She continues to show me what we are all capable of and for this I am grateful.



Saturday May 7th, 2022 10am - 6pm

What you think about, you create in your life. But what about all of those negative thoughts and judgements about yourself and your life that are playing in your subconscious nearly undetected??? Press the delete button on these thoughts with Access Bars! To find out more go to AccessConsciousness Bars Page :Reserve Your Seat

Friday, April 22, 2022


I can not put in to words how grateful I am for Namaste Healing Arts! After my first consultation I knew I had found the one to help guide me in my life’s quest and journey! Ariana is encouraging,kind,patient, and beyond all else gifted! Not only have I found a amazing person and therapist; I have made a friend!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


My experience was mind blowing and so much relief. I feel at peace and light as a feather. Please get the experience. I loved it!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022



I have struggled with feelings of depression and anxiety all my life. In my mind I was stuck in the past. Ariana helped me by clearing away all the past trauma and negativity. For the first time I have such an inner peace. Ariana is very kind, wise, and going to see her is life changing. I would highly recommend.

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Before visiting Namaste I had been in therapy for years working on trauma. After 2 sessions with Arianna I was able to make the last bit of progress I needed to move forward. My sessions with her have been so therapeutic that my trauma triggers have been greatly reduced. I could not recommend her services enough.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


I became interested in learning reiki but had no idea where to begin. Ariana came into my life organically so I signed up to take her Chios level 1 class. It was incredible so I came back to see her for an past life regression (something that I otherwise would not have done) and it was one of the most intense healings I’ve ever experienced. I didn’t even consciously realize how much pain and baggage I had been holding all of this time. I released so much during that hour session and all that remained was more love and compassion than I felt worthy of before. I feel so lucky that I got to experience the power of this work through Ariana. I’m an artist and even my artwork has been greatly affected since I began Ariana’s trainings and started on my own healing journey. My family is also being affected by the healing that I received. Ariana is so genuine and creates a safe and comfortable environment for healing.

I would recommend her to anyone wanting to heal and experience a more joyful and abundant life.

Thursday, March 17, 2022


On January 25, Ariana Zariah (Namaste Healing Arts) changed my life drastically. I purchased the Clear Your Trauma and Change Your Destiny session. Before my session, I felt lost. There were so many unanswered questions. The pain and trauma from my past was affecting my adulthood. It affected my adulthood for 40 years. I was unsure of so many things. After my session, I finally found that peace I was looking for. It felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. All those unanswered questions were finally answered. I was finally healed from the pain and trauma caused by my past. Ariana Zariah is the best hands down!

Friday, February 18, 2022



I love the energy shift I’ve been feeling (day 2). I feel lighter and feel like I’ve been navigating my days with increased fluidity. Overall, I definitely recommend for anyone skeptical or not.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


I was stuck in every aspect of my life and unable to move forward and grow. When I met Ariana I was lost, hopeless and weighed down by the stressors of my life. As soon as my first session was over I actually felt lighter and could think more clearly for the first time in months. I knew she could help me so I went back to see her and had more sessions over the course of six months and my life changed in so many ways. Each session helped me grow and make the changes I needed in the different areas of my life where I was stationary and complacent for so long.

I know it sounds a little cheesy, but she used her gifts to travel back in time and see that issues my father and I have have been happening for centuries in different lives. I couldn’t believe that she had seen that because my dad and I would get into massive fights about money and she never knew that about us. After that session at an appropriate time when my dad and I were just about to argue I told him about what Ariana had seen in our past lives and by some MIRACLE thanks to Ariana we don’t have fights about those issues anymore.

I wasn’t stuck anymore. I made decisions. I finally was growing and felt better about my life. With Ariana’s help, and more sessions to follow up because I know I have her in my corner whenever I need her, I now know I won’t get stuck anymore and can enjoy life.

Friday, February 11, 2022


Consciousness and awareness are essential to happiness and healing. The most recent session was energetically connected on a powerful level and that night I slept the best I had in 3-4 weeks. Spiritual and physiologic changes put my being at ease and allowed clarity. Ariana will facilitate whatever you are ready to receive. You are in good hands.

Monday, January 3, 2022


We were taught this spell as children, under the noses of parents that may even consider spellwork evil, and so I share this insight with you so that you may start to consider all of the ways in which you practice magic unbeknownst to you.

We gather around in a circle.

We light the special candles on the ceremonial edible altar.

The central figure of the spellwork, closes his or her eyes feeling deeply into the intention, the desire, the wish to be cast into the Ethers.  Those circled around the edible altar sing the chant to raise the energies and feed the central figure, the spellcaster, as they silently cast the spell of their heart's desire.  When the intention is set, the central figure blows out the candles, and the rest of the circle cheers,  "Happy Birthday!"  This is not a joke, my friends. This has all of the elements of casting intentional prayer, otherwise known as Spells.

Where else do you cast thoughts, words or intentions out into the Universe with a strong emotion (good or bad) vibrating in your heart, in your body?  Pay attention this month to how many times you 'cast black magic'.  When you are judgmental to yourself and others, especially with a lot of emotion behind it, you are casting spells for the dark forces.  

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW, OR SEND AN COMMENT THROUGH THE WEBSITE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HOME PAGE.  I would love to hear what you think of my first Moon Magic Newsletter.  Is it too much information? Is there something you would like to request for next month? Do you have any questions? I love to hear your input!  Blessings! 

Join my MONTHLY MOON MAGIC Newsletter here;

Namaste!  Ariana Zariah, Facilitator of Transformations

Saturday, January 1, 2022

MOON MAGIC - Jan 2022

Happy New Year!

Welcome to my first Moon Magic Newsletter ever!  Thank you for taking this exciting journey with me.  Each month, I will share information about the most notable Astrological events, do's and don'ts around practical Magic, and how to keep your Spells and rituals in the Light, and the energy and specifics of each month's full moon.  

This month's Astrological events:

First of all, we start off the year acknowledging that Venus has been in Retrograde since Dec 19 of last month.  During a Venus Retrograde, you are called to look back into your past around beauty, romance, and self-love.  Venus Retrograde is our opportunity to correct wrongs from the past in these areas, gain closure and clarity, and elevate ourselves in these areas. You probably had an ex pop into your head or actually reach out to you during this time.  Perhaps you are contemplating a makeover, or ways to make your home and yourself more beautiful.  Have fun with this now! When that lover from the past resurfaces explore the past, what didn't work, and how can you mold yourself to do better. I generally caution my clients to not get into a new relationship during retrograde because all retrogrades are about self-reflection and growth.  So wait until the 19th to decide if you really want to move forward with old flame from the past!

This month we are seeing a lot of activity in the Sun sign of Capricorn.  Capricorn is the quintessential Father of the Zodiac, and Cancer is the Mother.  Interestingly this month's full moon is in Cancer. Capricorn is the worker, the taskmaster, Father Time, the teacher of great life lessons, grounded and stable to counter balance the maternal mood swings of nurturing and emotional Cancer.

Jan 2nd New Moon Supermoon - Capricorn (Release bad habits, poor work ethics, issues with men, your father, and clearing any negative beliefs around Our Heavenly Father)

Jan 14th Mercury goes Retrograde. (Here is an old, but detailed Blog regarding Mercury Retrograde)

Jan 17th Full Moon - Cancer (See Full moon info at the bottom of the blog)

Jan 19th Sun moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius (the day upon which the switch happens varies from year to year)

Jan 24th Mars enters Capricorn - the personal meaning varies depending on your personal astrology chart, Mars is about forward movement, taking action, passion, and war, Mars in Capricorn is about moving forward wisely, take your time, moving to quickly can result in difficult lessons, slow and steady wins the race right now.

Jan 25th Mercury enters Capricorn - Mercury is retrograde and has moved into Capricorn.  Big life lessons can occur at this time, as Capricorn is the teacher and doles out karma for those that are unruly. Read the Mercury Report and apply it most specifically to reflecting on karmic lessons, karmic relationships, and looking at communication and contracts at work, your work history, work ethic, successes and failures in your career, to make adjustments for the better to move forward when Mercury goes direct.

Jan 29th Venus Retrograde ends as Venus goes Direct - Ready set, Romance! With Venus going direct, you may begin to feel more romantic and attractive as we head into February! 

Feb 1st New Moon  in Aquarius - Friendships, being unique and unconventional - This is also the Chinese New Year and begins the Year of the Tiger.  If you do not know your Chinese astrology, I highly recommend learning about it.  I have found it to be so wonderfully accurate.  

This Month's Magic Lesson: The misconceptions of the Moon phases: There is a common misconception among spiritual practitioners that are not well-versed in magical practice and history, and that is what type of spell work or ritual to perform at differing phases of the moon.  So let's get a few things straight for the most effective intention rituals, prayers, and magic.  

1. The term "New Moon" in magic workings is NOT when there is no visible moon.  It is actually the phase of the moon right after there is no visible moon.  When we first see the moon "waxing" (growing from a sliver of a crescent to a full moon). That visible sliver is actually the "New Moon". The New Moon is the perfect time for intentions and spells around new beginnings, starting new projects or business ventures, new relationships or creative endeavors, etc.  

2. The Dark Moon or Void is when no moon is visible in the sky, right before the sliver crescent of the New Moon.  Often people mistakenly refer to the Dark Moon as the New Moon but there is a huge difference in energy.  During the sometimes 1 to 3 nights that the sky is void of a moon, the Dark Moon phase, this is traditionally considered the time of rest and reflection.  Many do not do any spell or ritual work during a Dark Moon.  It is a good time to ask for guidance from beyond the veil and for visions and insights during your reflection meditations.  Others believe that the Void or Dark Moon operates like a black hole or cosmic vacuum making it the best time to conduct releasing rituals.  Sending up into the Void, things like habits that do not serve or toxic relationships or negative situations can be very effective during this time. 

3. Waxing Moon- When the moon is growing from crescent to full moon, it is Waxing.  During the waxing moon, the two weeks that the moon grows from a thin crescent to being Full, is good for spells or intention work focussed on creating more. Such as, more money, love, friendships, improved health, better job, and requesting your heart's desires. Conducting such prayer or ritual over the course of several days as the moon 'grows' is a very common practice and can be most effective.

4. Full Moon - when the moon is full it is shining 100% of its power down onto the Earth.  The full moon greatly effects everything on this planet from the tides of the ocean to animal mating cycles to human mood swings.  We are truly affected in so many ways by the cycles of the moon.  Harnessing this power for the greater good is a blessing.  The Full Moon is a wonderful time to set powerful intentions for world peace, for manifesting your heart's desire, for harnessing the power for protection, clarity, love, and abundance. 

5. The Waning Moon - When the moon begins to shrink in size after the full moon back down to the nothingness of the Dark Moon, this is a very good time to do releasing rituals and spells. This might include the elimination of obstacles or challenges, banishing ailments or negative energies, releasing bad habits, letting go of any negativity in your life. 

With January's Full moon in Cancer on the 17th, this is a wonderful time to light a candle and set intentions around Motherhood, Children, fertility, femininity, emotions, romance, and family.  For those seeking additional support, prayer and intention, I am offering at a Monthly Candle Prayer which I will energetically charge and offer prayers on your behalf based on your needs, desires, and intentions.   MONTHLY CANDLE PRAYER