Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Iterra Care Frequency Wand


I-Terra Care Frequency Wand

The Classic, which is the version I use is $350 USD. You can order with the link below.  Make  sure to enter the proper amount.  Contact  me if  you are  interested in the advanced pricing  for the Premium and Pro versions.  Ariana Zariah 864.915.2313

Order here:  https://prifevip.com/topup/3b6768d8be2e51f030d8f671b8de1312

What is Mysterium?



by Saint's Solutions

There are no words to explain the metaphysical, spiritual and health properties of

Mysterium. But I will list some of the properties and give you reference points so you

can research the science, quantum properties, energies and health properties that are

in the water. (It will raise your spiritual consciousness.)

1) Using Dr David Hawkins spiritual consciousness chart MYSTERIUM calibrates at

1000. That is the top of the chart and is based on Christ Consciousness.

2) Using dowsing rods or kinesiology the energy field is over 9 feet.

3) Using our system of measuring the size of water molecules we rate the water at

9,000 Angstrom which is 9 times more hydrating that tap and most bottled water.

We give our own meaning to Angstrom to represent the molecular size of the water

cluster. The higher the angstrom count the smaller and more hydrating the water


4) We use subtle energy fields as outlined in Masuru Emotos books Hidden Message

in water and HADO medicine, Healing Power of Water to aid in the energy fields


5) Water is programmable and retains energy memory. We use Rife machine

frequencies of 432 to 628 to program the water to universal healing frequencies.

6) The highest color healing frequencies is violet. We treat the water with a Violet

laser scientific devise. (Research Edgar Casey Violet Ray healing)

7) Certain crystals protect from EMF damage and poisoning. We program Amethyst,

Rose Quartz, Quartz and Aventurine in our water to protect from EMFs. Our

readings say MYSTERIUM gives 100% protection when your cells contain

Mysterium water.

8) Mysterium has more than 18 hours of magnetic vortex restructuring , Rife, and

Masuru Emoto programming. ( research Royal Rife healing)

To understand the above information, search: Coherent water, EZ water,

Structured water. How to magnetize water. Dan Nelson’s Wayback Water.

Also research Violet Ray healing. Crystal healing / EMF protection.

Benefits of colloidal gold

1) Enter deeper states of meditation, achieve higher states of consciousness

ease anxiety and stress, elevate mood

2) Increase I.Q. and memory, focus, attention and clarity

3) Decrease depression, ease alcohol and drug addiction

4) Repairs the Pineal gland, DNA and stimulates stem cell growth

Benefits of colloidal copper 

1) treats wounds, infections and burns.

2) supports cardiovascular health and reduces cholesterol, boost immunity and


3)prevents osteoporosis and helps the nervous system

4) “Brain food” supports out of the box thinking, creative thinking and improves

cognitive ability

5) stimulates collagen and elastin reduces wrinkles, discoloration, and age-related

skin conditions .

6) Important for Iron and sugar uptake and developing stem cells

Benefits of colloidal silver

1)  Kills viruses, bacteria and fungal / yeast growth

2)  Helps protect from radiation of EMFs and microwave radiation as in 5G microwave


3) Destroys over 600 pathogens. Ignore the misinformation internet sites by Big

4)  Pharma and the Government stating there is little research and proof to support

colloidal silver claims. We can provide over 100 studies done around the word

proving the effectiveness of colloidal silver, even against antibiotic resistant

Monday, May 22, 2023

Powerful Self-Clearing


I recently sat by a creek in  the woods, not unlike the one pictured above.  I took off my shoes and connected with the Earth.  (Read the benefits  of Grounding here) As I listened to the movement of the water on the rocks, the breeze in the trees overhead, and the tree frogs and birds, I connected to a piece of me that was wounded and ready to be acknowledged and cleared.  I will share the process of this profound  and intimate clearing to assist in helping others to have their own mystical experience.

I had a journal with  me which was helpful, but not necessary.  As the emotions began to bubble to the  surface, I jotted down what it felt like it was  about.

I feel lonely. I feel unworthy. I feel like no one sees me or hears me, like I  am not even here.

 Before learning clearing work, I would have wallowed in the phrases and feelings of loneliness or whatever was coming up at the time.  Now that I have been trained in many forms of clearing work or shadow work,  I  have developed a way of working with these feelings to go deeper and clear them.

These phrases felt all connected so I focussed on  the strongest phrase. "I feel lonely".  I focussed  on the phrase, the emotions, and the energies in my  body.  I  asked my  higher self, "Where did this come from?"  I immediately saw myself as a baby in a crib.  Often, at this point the ego mind will whisper, "You are making that up."  I had to push through this distraction and stay with the image of the baby in the crib.   As  the baby, I am crying. I feel like I have been crying  for a while  and it feels like I am  getting very anxious as the baby.  It feels like I am feeling like maybe no one hears me. Maybe no one will ever come for me.  I say this phrase in my mind, "No one is coming for me".  As the words move through my adult thoughts, my heart starts to race and I flood with tears in real time.  I flash to  my current heart ache that I have yet  to find a fulfilling and healthy love partner.  "No one is coming for me" took on a deeper meaning threading through my  entire life.

Now  is the hard part, because I am crying pretty intensely because this phrase has touched a deep wound in my soul.  "Breathe", I remind myself.  Through the tears, I force myself to slow my breath down into a slow, soft inhale.  "Repeat the phrase as you  exhale."  I see the baby in the crib and many other moments of my life flash across my mind. It is challenging to stay with the breath, but it is imperative.  I continue to breathe as slowly as I can, repeating the phrase, and ending the phrase with "Clear and release", over and over  until the emotions subside and I feel a bit calmer.  Then  I see myself a little  older,  4 1/4 years  old, crawling into the crib of my brother who is crying to take care of him.  (This is something I have been  told that I did often, and was nicknamed Midget Mother as a small child).  The 4 year old version of me was saying to herself, "I have to take care of him.  They won't come for him.  They won't do it right. It's up to  me."  Whoa! That made so many  pieces come together for me.  Whether or not any of this actually happened, there is no  way to know.  It definitely helped me clear the feeling  of being alone  and  also address the feeling of having  to do everything myself.

This technique is not always easy to do, especially when the emotions that come through are intense.  But with practice you can improve.  There are always times that working with a Facilitator may be the most effective to get you past the trickier traumas.

Here's the breakdown.

Feel the feeling.

Identify the negative belief.

Ask yourself where it comes from and be open to whatever pops in. (Sometimes it might be a past life.

Within the image  that pops up, what is the fear or stress?

Breathe, repeat the phrase, clear  and release.   Repeat this step until you feel calm.

See  what other insights  come through.

Happy Shadow Work!   And if  you  find something you struggle with clearing on your  own, you  may always book an Energetic Trauma Release Session (phone, zoom or in-person).












Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Incredibly Magical Benefits of Earthing and Walking Barefoot

Click the photo to watch this documentary on Rumble.com 

The Incredibly Magical Benefits of Grounding and Walking Barefoot

Hey there, fellow earthing Earthlings! Today, we're going to embark on a whimsical journey that will connect us with nature's incredible wonders. Get ready to kick off those shoes and immerse yourself in the enchanting practice of grounding, earthing, and walking barefoot on this beautiful planet we call home. Embrace your inner child (or inner flower child), and let's dive into the incredible benefits that come with reconnecting to the Earth's warm embrace!

  1. Unleash Your Inner Harmony: When we walk barefoot on the Earth's surface, a captivating energy exchange takes place. Our bodies, like little conduits, absorb the Earth's electrons, which help balance our own energy. This delightful interaction harmonizes our bodies, minds, and spirits, leaving us feeling centered, calm, and positively energized. It's like a secret handshake between us and Mother Earth!

  2. Rekindle Your Vitality: Ah, nature's power! By connecting directly with the Earth, we tap into its abundant supply of free electrons. These little sparks of energy help neutralize harmful free radicals in our bodies, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Say goodbye to stress, fatigue, and aches, and welcome renewed vitality, like a gentle breeze sweeping through your soul.

  3. Banish the Blues: Imagine yourself walking barefoot on a soft patch of grass, the sunlight dancing on your skin, and the gentle caress of a light breeze. Bliss, right? Well, this delightful experience triggers the release of endorphins, those magical happiness hormones! Grounding stimulates the production of these delightful chemicals, lifting our moods, and bringing us a sense of joy, peace, and contentment. It's like a smile that starts from the earth and reaches straight into our hearts!

  4. Deep, Restful Slumbers: Tossing and turning, restless nights—we've all been there. Fear not, dear friend, for grounding has a delightful solution! By establishing a strong connection with the Earth's magnetic field, we invite tranquility into our lives. Grounding before bedtime helps balance our circadian rhythms, leading to better sleep quality. Allow the Earth to cradle you gently, like a cozy hammock beneath a starlit sky.

  5. Boosted Immunity, Naturally: In this world of constant hustle, our immune systems sometimes need a little boost. Fear not, for Mother Earth has got our backs! Grounding enhances the production of white blood cells, those magnificent guardians of our immune system. By walking barefoot, we supercharge our natural defenses, like a woodland warrior, ready to face any challenge that comes our way!

  6. Earth's Wisdom for Your Mind: In our modern lives, our minds can become cluttered with endless thoughts and worries. Grounding gifts us a much-needed mental escape. As we connect with the Earth, we tune into its serenity, wisdom, and ancient knowledge. Feel your thoughts gently dissipate, replaced by a deep sense of calm and clarity. It's like a soulful meditation with Mother Earth as our guide!

Embracing the simple, free, and powerful practice of earthing and walking barefoot on this magical planet can lead to many incredible benefits of mind, body, and Spirit. From improved sleep and boosted immunity to a sense of inner harmony and vitality, the Earth offers us a bountiful embrace. So, kick off your shoes, let the grass tickle your toes, and reconnect with the Earth's enchanting energy. Embrace your inner hippie, and allow yourself to become one with this beautiful world we call home.


1. What is Structured Frequency Water and how can I make it? - Read more about this conscious form of water here. https://namastehealingarts.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-benefits-of-structured-frequency.html

    Mark your calendar and save this zoom link for the zoom call on Structured Frequency Water. Tuesday, May 29th 7pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86315323292

2. Group Ancestral, Past Life & Childhood Trauma Clearing Call : Clearing issues with Men (in honor of Father's Day) Tuesday, June 13th 7pm

  Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdemhrjojHtW8ScdBRzGvBTO0jUgiHuc8

Events are also posted on the Namaste Healing Arts Meetup group: Join here to receive reminders and notifications of future classes, free zooms, and events. https://www.meetup.com/namastehealingarts/

Monday, May 1, 2023

Improve Your Body & Mind with Fast & Effective UV & Crystal Technology


In today's fast-pace age, most of us have busy and demanding lifestyles. Between work, social life, and personal responsibilities, it can be difficult to take care of your health and well-being. Especially if you discover health issues and are seeking alternative options. That's where the iTeraCare Frequency Wand comes in - a powerful tool that can help you stay healthy, happy, and balanced, that operates from a light frequency much higher and more beneficial than Red Light Therapy.

The iTeraCare Frequency Wand is a revolutionary device that uses advanced technology to promote health and wellness. It works by emitting high-frequency energy waves that penetrate deep into the body, stimulating cells and organs to function optimally. This, in turn, can help alleviate a variety of health issues, from chronic pain to digestive problems, and promote overall vitality and well-being.

One of the most significant benefits of the iTeraCare Frequency Wand is that it is entirely non-invasive. There are no needles, pills, or complicated procedures involved - simply wave the wand over the affected area, and let the high-frequency waves do the rest. This makes it an ideal solution for those who are seeking natural, holistic approaches to health and wellness.

But don't just take our word for it - here are a few testimonials from real users of the iTeraCare Frequency Wand:

"I've been struggling with chronic pain for years, and nothing seemed to help. But after using the iTeraCare Frequency Wand for just a few weeks, I noticed a significant improvement. I'm now able to manage my pain without relying on prescription medications, and I feel more energized and vital than ever before." - Sarah B.

"As someone who suffers from anxiety and stress, I was skeptical about whether the iTeraCare Frequency Wand could help. But after using it regularly, I noticed a significant reduction in my anxiety levels, and I'm now able to manage stress much more effectively. It's been a game-changer for my mental health." - Mark D.

"I've always struggled with digestive issues, but after using the iTeraCare Frequency Wand, I've noticed a significant improvement. I'm no longer bloated or uncomfortable after meals, and my digestion feels more efficient overall. It's made a huge difference in my quality of life." - Rachel S.

If you're looking for a natural, non-invasive solution to your health issues, the iTeraCare Frequency Wand may be the perfect tool for you. With its advanced technology and proven results, it's a game-changer for anyone seeking optimal health and wellness.

The Benefits of Structured Frequency Water

 Structured Water (aka Frequency Water)

Greetings, lovely souls! Today, I want to talk to you about one of my favorite healing tools – structured frequency water.

Structured frequency water, or simply structured water, is water that has been energetically enhanced to align with the natural vibrations of the earth and the universe. It is a powerful healing elixir that can help restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit.

As a alternative healer, I have seen firsthand the incredible benefits of structured water. Here are just a few reasons why I believe it is a must-have in any healing toolkit:

  1. Boosts hydration and detoxification

Structured water has a unique molecular structure that makes it easier for the body to absorb and utilize. This means that when you drink structured water, you are more effectively hydrating your cells and flushing out toxins. This can help improve overall health and vitality, as well as support the body's natural detoxification processes.

  1. Enhances nutrient absorption

Because structured water has a more organized molecular structure, it can also help improve nutrient absorption. This means that when you drink structured water, you are more effectively absorbing the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in your food. This can help support optimal nutrition and overall health.

  1. Balances the body's energy

Structured water has a higher vibrational frequency than regular tap water. This means that when you drink structured water, you are ingesting a higher frequency of energy. This can help balance the body's energy systems, promoting greater overall harmony and wellbeing.

  1. Supports emotional healing

Because structured water is energetically enhanced, it can also be a powerful tool for emotional healing. Drinking structured water can help release negative emotions and promote a greater sense of inner peace and calm. It can also help open up channels for greater creativity and self-expression.

  1. Promotes spiritual growth

Structured water can also be a powerful tool for spiritual growth. Drinking structured water can help enhance intuition and deepen spiritual awareness. It can also help connect us to the natural rhythms of the earth and the universe, promoting a greater sense of interconnectedness and oneness.

In conclusion, structured frequency water is an incredibly powerful tool for healing and growth. It can help boost hydration, enhance nutrient absorption, balance the body's energy, support emotional healing, and promote spiritual growth. As a hippie healer, I highly recommend incorporating structured water into your daily routine – your body, mind, and spirit will thank you!

Inbox me for more information on how to create your own Frequency Water of the highest Vibrations! NAMASTEHEALINGARTS.COM