Friday, December 14, 2018

Transcending Your Current Situation


Crab mentality (Crabs in a Bucket) refers to a pattern of behavior noted in crabs.  When they are trapped in a bucket, rather than helping each other to get out, they will make sure the Escapee is pulled back down.  Its been observed that a single crab can easily reach the top, but its efforts will always be undermined by the collective and pull him back into the bucket.  This practice, wittingly or unwittingly, ensures the group's collective demise.

This same mentality is found in humans in many arenas, which makes it difficult to elevate beyond your current circle.  An Alcoholic with best intentions of getting sober, will also receiving criticism and manipulation from his "pack" to keep him on the bottle and in the bar.  Likewise, those trying to better themselves financially, physically, spiritually, or other ways will often be deterred by those not moving in those directions or at the same pace.

Sometimes, we even shrink ourselves or deter ourselves so as not to offend those that do not choose to move in our directions.  If you are making people uncomfortable, do not be discouraged, there is a tribe out there waiting for you.  There is a greater love partner out there waiting for you.  Be unapologetically and fearlessly YOU. Let them be uncomfortable.  It may be what they need to look at their own inner shadow.  
Don't let them pull you back down. There's a big, beautiful world beyond the bucket.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Ariana, to book an Intuitive Spiritual Guidance Session, or unlock your highest potential with Energy Clearings and Chakra Balancing.


Monday, November 5, 2018

November is Gratitude Month

"What we focus on expands"

When we are faced with challenging times, stresses of the day to day, and / or faced with the challenges and stresses of others, it can be easy to find ourselves in frustration, fear, or grief.  We want to be heard and sometimes we share our struggles and disappointments.  Sometimes that "sharing" takes over our world.  It is when these hardships of thought, word, or vibration start to take the forefront of our minds and experience, that they become a real problem in our world.  They create more stress and hardship.  So if you are spun out in a cycle of challenges, this is a time to stop and find our gratitude. 

What are you grateful for right this moment?  Take time to feel that gratitude in your heart and thank Spirit for whatever that is for you.  The more gratitude "time outs" you take, the more moments worthy of gratitude will appear in your world.  What we focus on expands. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Ancestral Clearing Client Testimonial! Her Pain is Gone!

I had another amazing #clientTestimonial ... A few days ago, I worked on a woman who had broken her ankle some years ago. The x-rays missed the break, and she walked on it in pain for a year before they figured out what was really wrong. By then, she was told, "oopsie, sorry, can't do much now..."😭😭😭😭
She's been in pain for years, going to various professionals to alleviate the pain. A few days ago, I did an Ancestral Clearing on her ankle. It turns out that there was trapped trauma from a Past Life/Ancestor Trauma that was stuck there... we cleared the energy of the trauma from her ankle and she felt better... cool! πŸ™‚
So I called her today (a few days have passed since the clearing work) and SHE STARTED YELLING AT ME!!!! πŸ˜²
"I don't know what you did, but my ankle, my foot...
it doesn't even feel like my foot! IT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE MY FOOT!"😑
Oh my! So I told her calmly that I didn't really understand, "who's foot does it feel like?" πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
"No!" she bellowed, "you don't understand!" "My ankle, my foot, has been hurting for me every day since the accident and since you worked on it, I don't feel any pain at all! It feels so normal, that it doesn't even feel like my foot!"πŸ’–πŸ€—πŸ˜
OMG! Yay! How cool is that? And I also worked on her ear that is supposed to be operated on soon... except now that doesn't hurt either... πŸ€£πŸ’–πŸ€£πŸ’–
I am conducting a group clearing my love donation this Saturday... follow the link for details...

Thursday, October 4, 2018

You, Powerful Manifestor... More Than You Realize!

Yesterday was my Birthday... Oct 3. :)

For me, my Birthday is a fabulous time for self reflection as it occurs right at the beginning of the 4th quarter of the year.   This year I manifested some amazing people, situations, and experiences, but they didn't all go as I had asked for, in fact some turned out to be huge contradictions to what I asked.  So what is that all about? I have been watching my world very intently for the past three years.  There is nothing like your entire world crumbling to make you really pay attention and seek intense change. So I share with you what I have observed and learned... (These are my Points of View and observations.  I am simply sharing for anyone that may find my ideas helpful.)

YOU ARE A POWERFUL MANIFESTOR! What I have come to discover in my observations and studies of energy and manifestion is that we are all constantly manifesting.  In EVERY MOMENT! However, more often than not, we are contradicting ourselves and making it nearly impossible to materialize our desires. 

This year in particular I acutely observed that I manifest like a Rockstar!  (And so do you...)  So why are we not fulfilling our heart's desires?  Why do I not have the Love, the Lifestyle, and the Health that I carry in my heart?  Why don't you have that which you have been seeking?  The complication as I have come to experience is that while we are manifesting, attracting, stating your intentions to God/Spirit/Higher Consciousness, our thoughts and energetic vibrations do two things to Contradict what is in our hearts.  These two things, I believe, are Contradicting vibration and Contradicting thought.  These two things are closely connected, and create two different obstacles in our experience. 

The Contradiction of Vibration attracts something that appears to fulfill that which what we are pulling into ourselves, but has a dissonant frequency that will show up later in problems.  For example, I manifested a gorgeous car 2 years ago.  It was immaculate, low mileage, afforable, classy, and gorgeous.  I named her Lucrezia Borgia.  Her leather looked brand new, the paint job was gorgeous, she ran great, her engine looked spotless.  After two months of driving her, I realized there were massive issues with the electrical system when it rained. $$$$!!!  I had no recourse.  I was stuck with high dollar issues.... This is what I mean when I say that you can appear to attract what you desire but if your vibration has a deep underlying negative vibration (even if you keep your vibration high and happy, it's STILL THERE! ) Therefore, you will more likely than not, attract something amazing and beautiful, but with a problem hidden underneath.  (FYI-  I actually had a talk with Lucrezia and the next day she got herself T-boned and Totalled by a girl with State Farm insurance, so I immediately got a new car and Lucrezia got to go to Mercedes Heaven! Don't laugh when I say I talk to houses and other inanimate objects! Everything has a consciousness!)

You will always attract that which you ask for and it will be a vibrational match to your deeper energetic vibrations and whispers... Here is a basic example of true vibrational matching... If you face two tuned guitars and strike the D string on one, the D string on the other guitar will start to vibrate.  This is a vibrational match.  The D strings are "alike" so they get excited by each other.  "I see You, You are familiar!"  Ever feel that with someone? And you Vibrate when you see them or even think about them!! Yes! ....and then after a few months you decide they were selfish, mean or crazy?... Yikes!  You're a vibrational match... I'm sorry!  Look within and find your inner fears/negative self talk that are creating that match!  Because if you are seeking a partner but you carry that whisper or energy of "I'm not lovable", not only are you a walking contradiction, but you will attract someone that has that contradicting vibration also.  Oftentimes, then the Yin/Yang kicks in and one takes on the submissive or abused role and the other takes on the controller or the abuser role.  Some people can even flip-flop from abused to abuser depending on the relationship or partner. The dissonance in our relationships is all from contradicting vibrations and thoughts that needle each others fears and deep inner wounds. We need to heal ourselves to heal each other!

Contradiction of Thought works similarly because the Thought and Vibration work together.  Let's say you do manifestation work to bring in the love of your life, (everyone's favorite!) You visualize, request, pull in... your rest of your life perfect partner, Soulmate, etc.... and perhaps you list off your desires in what you are looking for in that mate... but what happens when your inner vibration, your deepest inner whisper is "everyone leaves me, I'm am always alone" or some other variation of a contradiction?  What happens when you don't even realize that you are carrying this vibration/thought within you because it occurred before you have memories and it's so much a part of you that you don't even know it's there?!

First of all, the Universe will have trouble delivering because of the contradiction.  It answers the energy of "Please bring me my soulmate", and then something happens to trigger your inner whisper of "I'm always alone", so I stops the motion of bringing the soulmate and brings you the results of being alone.  And this can go back and forth until you become determined to either keep your thoughts primarily on the Soulmate or keep your thoughts primarily on "alone".  Whichever one is your primary focus will win!  Okay Great!

So then, let's say, you manage to keep your thoughts on the "Soulmate", but the vibration, trauma or memory that created the "I'm always alone" is still in there.  You are just over-riding it and keeping it a bay. Great!  You've got the Soulmate and you are keeping the "alone" vibration at bay, buried and hidden.  HMMMM.... not so great... because (1) more likely than not, the Contradiction of Vibration rule is still at play and Beloved Soulmate is carrying something in their vibration to match your "I'm always alone" (or whatever your inner negative self talk/vibration is) so they are probably not capable of actually staying for whatever their inner trauma is in their vibration and self talk... and (2) eventually and INEVITABLY, the Beloved Soulmate, no matter how kind and sweet and amazing is going to do something to trigger your fear of "alone" and whatever trauma created that fear, when triggered, starts to fester as deep discomfort, fear bubbles, the mind makes up stories that probably aren't true to support "alone" and it eventually all grows into an intense emotion... and if you are anything like how I have been, you keep it all hidden until you totally explode... then you hate yourself... and you get what the inner whisper was vibrating at... "I'm always alone", and a vicious cycle continues on and on with each new manifested "Soulmate", until... You clear the "I'm always alone" (or whatever your trauma is that keeps you cycling in relationship with the wrong person)  You Manifesting Rockstar! UGH...

HOW CAN WE NOT DO THIS?! Why does this happen?  To torture you?  To force upon us the human condition of suffering?  I believe that that is all Old Thought Spirituality.  I believe that these emotions come up to be cleared. 

These are just a few examples of the vibrational dissonance in manifesting and why we seem to fail in our cycles over and over... Because the negative inner whisper, the dissonant vibration is still there.  More often than not, we bury it.... with exercise, alcohol, food, shopping, gambling, new love partner every few months., etc... but until you learn how to release those negative vibrations and negative self- chatter it is still there.  It is so important to do inner work, especially before attempting to manifest a partner.  The more stuff that you have buried, the more stuff the person you will attract will have buried too! And often times we don't even realize what burdens we carry because we've carried them our whole lives!  The only way to really know what your burdens are, is to look at the nice person you've attracted into your life who is so conveniently holding up a mirror for you. 

There are many, amazing healing practices that can assist in clearing these vibrations, negative thoughts and negative emotions.  And each person may resonate to a different modality.  I've tried a ton! Follow your knowing about what is right for you.  Or not... really... stay where you are, if that is what feels safe right now.  That's okay too.  It is my awareness, is that we carry vibrations within our being from early childhood, from past lives, from our ancestors.  Scientists are at beginning stages of studying the transfer of stress through the ancestral lineage in epigenetics.  We carry attractions, behavioral patterns, fears, traumas, desires energetically transferred from experiences in our past, sometimes very distant past, whether we carry the memory or not.  What war, famine, genocide, abuses, exist in your lineage impeding you from the Divine Wholeness of your Being?  This is why I love Ancestral Clearing and Access Bars, and I combine both practices together, with very dynamic results.  My next Ancestral Clearing Group session is Oct 27th

You are constantly either expanding your existence or contracting your existence. Your words and thoughts either create more for you, or they destroy you in some way.  Nothing is ever actually stagnant.  Even the rock in the stream is being slowly molded by its surroundings. This is nature.  This is life.  Choose your destiny, or let your surroundings choose for you.
I send you blessings of love. 

Learn more about Ancestral Clearing, Access Bars and my other healing modalities for bodies, minds and homes.  Namaste!


Friday, August 10, 2018

New Moon Solar Eclipse - Aug 11 2018

Remember on July 27th, we had a FULL MOON BLOOD MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE one day after Mercury went Retrograde, it was a full moon, blood moon Lunar Eclipse.  That Full moon, Blood moon Lunar Eclipse, was the 2nd of 3 huge astrological events in a  cycle of releasing.  It was amplifying all of the "digging deep, looking within and letting go"of this intense period of time.

Now we are entering the 3rd powerful Lunar event on August 11, 2018 with the Super Moon, Full Moon with a partial Solar Eclipse.  This will mark the closing of these intense releasing energies YAY! and a week of acclimating to these incredible shifts before Mercury goes Direct again on August 19th.

The Sun and Moon and Mercury Retrograde are all Conjunct in Leo... That's some intense energies! They are square Jupiter planet of Luck.

With the Mercury Retrograde conjunct the solar eclipse of this New Moon, the major themes of this event will be thinking, contemplation, deliberation, discussion and debate, quite heavily in regards to past issues, topics from the past that need to be brought to light again to release, past lovers or reflection on past loves to release and move forward stronger as the Moon moves into its waxing phases.

Sun, Moon, Mercury are also Conjunct a powerful Asteroid, Pallas-Athena.  This asteroid is commonly referred to in charts because of her powerful effects on intellect, proper defense, love and beauty. This indicates that the issues of past, debates, introspection, and prominent people during this time will be centered around feminist issues, issues with mother, female gender roles, releasing these issues to move forward in a healthier and more balanced way.

A side note here on my personal interpretation of the New Moon vs Full Moon.  Many energy workers and spell workers use the New Moon to create new, manifest, "pull in" their desires, and the Full Moon to release.  I personally do the opposite and have found ancient writings that agree with my unique instincts.  The New Moon, in the sky, looks like their is no moon.  It is a Void, and in fact some practices call it the Black Moon, or Void.  What better place to throw the crud you want to get rid of, than into a Void or "Black Hole".  Once the Black Moon begins to safely wane, or grow, I feel it is safe to start setting intentions for creating, manifesting your desires.  Conversely, the Full Moon is full of so much power!  I love to meditate in the Full Moon, Moon Bath, and absorb this beautiful energy. How much more power she lends to your manifesting and creation work when she is at her most potent of power!  And then of course, as she begins to wane, (get smaller), then I will start any releasing work 3 days after a full moon.

Mercury Retrograde, as mentioned in past blogs, is not about moving forward or creating.  It can make you feel nervous and anxious. Be gentle with yourself and go within if you start to feel overwhelmed by the hectic pace or the wonkiness of the energies. This too shall pass!  You may find yourself reminiscing about the past, favorite places or activities since forgotten, or unexpectedly meeting up with people/lovers from your past. Negotiations and business matters will need extra attention and patience to come to fruition. 

New Moon/Solar Eclipse square Jupiter 
Squares are discordant aspects.  Jupiter, the planet of luck, may make some people feel overly confident or dangerously lucky in this dynamic time.  This challenging aspect with Mercury involved Jupiter suggests disagreements and arguments about ideas and beliefs about power and control issues, again with emphasis on gender roles, between people, groups of people and nations.  Be careful with your words and attitudes.  Beware of overpromising due to confidence and enthusiasm and then not being able to deliver. The manner in which you express your exuberance will likely lead to loss and embarrassment. Stay humble.  You will be better suited to look at your history of luck, success and confidence.  Where did these traits come from?  Are they stronger or weaker now?  What adjustments in your life, associations and attitudes need to be altered to release and increase your luck and success moving forward.  All possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future. This is a time to question your old habits and behaviors as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.  This is not an ideal time to make a fresh start, but reflection, releasing and planning is at the forefront. Write your new goals down on a sheet of paper. 

Ariana Zariah (864) 915-2313

Monday, August 6, 2018

HOW ARE YOU SURVIVING? Halfway Thru Mercury Retro Check in!

August 7, 2018 marks the Halfway point of Mercury Retrograde.  This is a great opportunity to reassess the purpose of Mercury Retrograde, share some experience, strength and hope, and remind you to hold your course!  How are you doing?  I welcome your comments...

How Mercury Can Work FOR You:
A few nights ago a girlfriend called me to catch up.  She's been on the dating sites and actively dating new guys.  The new dates were not enthusiastic for her.  However, she was surprised to announce that a guy that she went on one fabulous date a year earlier had messaged her out of the blue.  She had really liked him on that first date a year ago, but she realized that she wasn't really ready to date back then.  YAY! Mercury Retrograde Strikes!  People from the past popping up from out of the blue.  This could be really good!  Are you ready for him?  She wasn't entirely sure, but now she is armed with the knowledge that Mercury is assisting in a second chance at romance.  I am so excited to hear how their upcoming date goes after a year of growth on her part.

A day later, I shared my girlfriend's story with a Meetup member who startled me, squealing with delight!  "This just happened to me too", she announced to me.  An old boyfriend had resurfaced.  I warned her gently that a resurfacing boyfriend could be a second chance, but it could also be unfinished lessons with that person.  "Just be aware and alert", I suggested. Stay open to love, but stay aware for the lessons.

My own personal story is very interesting as well.  Two months ago, I signed up for a 3-day certification course in Ancestral Clearing Energy Work being offered in NYC.  I didn't check any calendars when I booked this, I just went on Guidance.  I used to live in NYC from 1993-2000.  It was a really wonderful time of my life, and I was looking forward to going back.  Little did I know when I booked all of this that not only would I be "going back to places from my past" by going to NYC, but also healing my past with the Ancestral work which actually assists in healing early childhood trauma, womb trauma, unresolved past life trauma, as well as traumas carried over through your lineage.  Needless to say that the weekend was incredibly dynamic.  I revisited old haunts, and relived and processed a lot of old memories, and cleared a lot of deep, emotional scarring from ancestral issues. 

How am I working with Mercury for me on other fronts?  Well, I turned off all of my dating apps.  I do not need to meet anyone right now.  No starting new things, thank you.  The business opportunity that showed up just as Mercury went retrograde hit a really weird energy, so I asked the other parties to table our talks until the end of August.  It will be interesting to see if that energy shifts, or if that was just a test.  All my other business plans are moving slowly and that's okay.  The house I am flipping is taking longer than usual.  Ordering the flooring install took 5...FIVE... visits to Home Depot to fix the order that magically kept getting altered!  It's supposed to be installed on the 13th.  If you would like to pray for smooth sailing and send good vibes, I would appreciate it! :) . And the Women's Retreat that I am organizing with another amazing Healer friend is moving slowly but fabulously!  We are trusting the energy and the process right now.  And in the meantime, all I am doing right now is being gently with myself and running Ancestral Healing work with a dear friend and partner from the certification class.  I have a ton of new ideas coming up for classes to teach, books to write, retreats to host and a healer/artist community to manifest space for... None of those projects will be launched until after August 25th. 

If you have any questions, comments, or want to share about your Mercury Retrograde experience, please do!  I would love to hear your experiences.

Ariana Zariah (864) 915-2313

Monday, July 23, 2018

Why I love Mercury Retrograde... and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse

Mercury will be going Retrograde on July 26th at 23 degrees Leo and goes Direct on August 19th at 11 degrees Leo.  As I am typing this blog, we are in the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde, so those that are sensitive will already be feeling some effects.

Often, you will find Astrology bloggers writing about Mercury Retrograde with some level of Doomsdayer warnings.  There are many reasons to be wary of Mercury Retrograde, (my friends that are IT computer techs swear that they are busiest during Merc Retro with computer glitches and server issues!) Job security, my friends.  Thank Merc Retro for the little things!  My perspective is that just with all things, there are benefits and drawbacks.  When we learn to understand and appreciate Mercury Retrograde, we can move through the benefits and reap the rewards instead of finding frustration in the drawbacks.  It's like expecting a bird to swim underwater.  When Mercury is straight, there is movement and wide open communication like a bird flying.  When it is Retrograde, it becomes a deep water fish, slow moving and in the depths of introspection.  If you expect the deep water fish to fly about the tree tops, you're going to get super frustrated when it fails you.

What does Mercury Retrograde mean?!  Mercury is the planet of communication and local travel.  When Mercury is Retrograde attempting external communications, including verbal, snail mail, electronics, computers, contracts... all will be strained and often misunderstood.  As a Conscious Real Estate Broker, I am extra careful when clients have to sign contracts during Mercury Retrograde! We read the contract several times.  We dot "i"s and cross "t"s in triplicate.  I am prepared for delayed responses.  I do not expect the fish to fly.  The same holds with traveling.  Triple check your route, your reservations, have a plan B in case there are delays.  All is in Divine timing and even the set-backs are for your overall benefit.

Why do I LOVE Mercury Retrograde? Okay, so if you know someone is a spy... then you don't have to be afraid of them, right?!  You can use the knowledge to your advantage! Same with Mercury Retrograde...  The BENEFITS of Mercury Retrograde are basically about looking into your past to forge a better future.  Mercury Retrograde is a great time to revisit old places that brought you great joy, seek out a long lost friend or old flame, and seek into your youth for the things that inspired you before life, time and aging stole away your passions.  There is a great book called The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron that has some amazing exercises to help you with these introspective searches and really bring your inner child to life!  I highly recommend it. It not only enhances your intuition, but it brings magic back into your mundane adult world!

What do I do during Mercury Retrograde? Journaling and meditation are always good practices, but during Mercury Retrograde they are most helpful, especially when we set the intention of seeking out elements of our past that either we haven't let go of and no longer serve, or that brought us great joy and magic and we no longer make time to pursue.  Travel should be kept to a minimum, as should communications.  Be mindful when speaking and be prepared to clarify.  Listen carefully and make sure they understood you.  Also listen carefully to be clear in what you are being told.  Repeat it back, to make sure you are on the same page.  Seek out old friends and old flames.  Do not be surprised if they find you first.  It is not uncommon to 'bump into' people from our past during Mercury Retrograde.  Do not hide from them!  Find out why the Universe created this alignment.  Also, go to old places that brought you joy.  Whether traveling in your memories, in meditation, OBE, or actually physically going there, seek out what it was that you liked about the place and how you can bring that forward into your life now.  This may also be a really good time to isolate yourself from people who have been agitating you or weighing you down.  Do some soul searching as to what they are meant to teach you, and release old hurts to move forward with more ease when Mercury goes direct.

What not to do during Mercury Retrograde! This is not the best time to start anything new.  Computers, cell phones, electric appliances, and cars purchased during Mercury Retrograde will often only work correctly during a Mercury Retrograde! Wheee!  This is also not a good time to start any new endeavor, friendship or romance because it is likely slated to end by the next Mercury Retrograde!  Life is all choice, my friends, so you can choose to start new in a Merc Retro, but be aware of the possibility of limited longevity.  Any contracts that you sign, read it over and over.  Any big purchases that you have to make, pay extra for the warranty.  You will likely need it.  Be mindful of arguments, sharp words, speaking thoughtlessly etc.  This is not the time for flippant comments, they will be taken as far more hurtful than normal.

FULL MOON BLOOD MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE, Oh my!  A day after Mercury goes Retrograde, we will have a full moon, blood moon Lunar Eclipse.  According to the Farmer's Almanac, that will be at 4:20pm EST on July 27th, y'all.  Oh, the Universe is so funny!  Meditate responsibility. :)  While we won't really have the pleasure of witnessing the visual effects of this full moon, we will certainly feel the energetic effects. 

I should note that this Lunar Eclipse is the 2nd of 3 powerful Lunar phenomenon.  On July 13th we had a full moon supermoon solar eclipse which marked an opening of a dynamic time of Transformation and releasing.  I have definitely experienced some amazing shifts in the last 10 days.  Releasing of old patterns, people, and energies that no longer serve and that were just weighing us down from moving forward. 

With the upcoming Full moon, Blood moon Lunar Eclipse, this cycle of releasing continues, especially on the coat tails of Mercury going Retrograde.  It will just amplify all of the "digging deep, looking within and letting go". 

Mark your calendar for the 3rd powerful Lunar event occurring with the Super Moon, Full Moon on Aug 11th.  This will mark the closing of these intense releasing energies and a week of acclimating to the incredible shifts before Mercury goes Direct again on August 19th.

Blessings and Love,
Ariana Zariah
Intuitive Real Estate Broker, Lightworker & Healer
(864) 915-2313

Sunday, July 22, 2018

July 2018 - Resetting Goals and Intentions

When a pilot gets into an airplane for flight, he knows his final destination, he has checked his vehicle for safety and fuel, and has alerted people to his journey.  Once in flight, winds and weather can take the plane off course.  The pilot must check and recheck that he is on-course to the destination at hand and must make adjustments to his course.  To put the plane on auto-pilot and not verify regularly that all is well, could be disastrous and even fatal. 

Those that seek to create a life of conscious living do the same.  We have goals in mind, we nurture our minds, bodies and spirits for strength and success on the journey. Rarely does a soul journey out into the unknown without discussing it with someone and of course, we must constantly check and see if the winds have sent us into a new direction.

So here we are, passing the midpoint of 2018. 

Do you even know where your list of intentions from January are located?  LOL.  Is your vision board still visible?  Are the items, either on your list or on your vision board valid?  Did you accomplish anything yet?

1. Find your intentions list.
2. Review your progress.
3. Block out special time on your calendar to CELEBRATE ANY VICTORIES!  Even the small things.  I planned to submit my son to a modeling agency this year.  I did it! Yay for me.  We will celebrate that we did the task, so we are energized to move forward even though we got rejected.  Time to regroup... do we keep submitting, cut his hair as requested, or drop the dream?
4. Sit down with each incomplete intention.  Is this still important or of value?  What small steps can you take towards that goal?  Block out time in your calendar to take those steps.  Want to plan a trip to Costa Rica?  Order a travel guide, or make new friends online that live there! Small steps get you there faster than no steps!
5. Are there any new goals, not on the list that have become important? 
6. Write those down and set new small steps in your calendar to attain them as well.
7. Sometimes it is helpful to break down your list into Life Categories.

  • Friends/Social
  • Spiritual/Consciousness
  • Money/Career
  • Life Path / Life Purpose
  • Love Relationship
  • Self Care / Entertainment
  • Fitness / Health
Thank you for reading!  Please check out my new website 
Message me with any questions or comments!
Love to all.  

Monday, May 14, 2018

SOLITUDE: Are You Rejuvenating or Are You Locking Yourself in with Your Own Pain?

Several days ago, I received the unfortunate news that a dear friend, a sweet woman and Awakened soul passed away.  It was an unexpected passing of (medically-speaking) “natural causes” for a young woman who was still very full of life.

She had a grace and Light that were always at the forefront of her Being.  On April 20th, our friendship deepened greatly when I broke down crying at a lunch with her in a crowded restaurant.  This moment of vulnerability gave shifter her and she began to be more vulnerable with me.  I began to sense that she was carefully burying secret pain and fears.  I expressed a desire to work with her on the issues that she held tight under her glowing exterior.  However, whether fear or pride, she would not allow me to assist, nor any other healers that I recommended.  For better or for worse, she did her processing in solitude. 

I am prompted by Spirit to write this to offer a new perspective and my own experience with seeking relief from pain, escaping in solitude, and ultimately expanding into a deeper sense of freedom, self-confidence and bliss.  If you have known me for more than a year, you have seen me go through massive pain cycles, isolation, and quite recently, an amazing amount of growth.  I could not have SURVIVED if I had stayed isolated.  And I could not have done this work alone. I was on a solid path of dying, either from “natural causes” or suicide.  My body was trying to get my attention.  Physically, my liver, kidneys, lymphatic and adrenal systems were all shutting down.  My weakened state made me a target for Psychic attacks and all kinds of vampiric entities.  Emotionally, I was having a nervous breakdown. I was called bi-polar, unstable, toxic, volatile, and psycho.  Everything was triggered all at once.  But on the other side of the wreckage, I have come to find an immense amount of peace, grace and self-love.  I never could have done this alone.  Spirit guided me to many gifted healers. 

(From my experience as well as the teachers that I respect most), when we go out into the world and we feel discomfort in our bodies, experience pain, fear, and/or emotional turmoil, we are being given a gift, a road map, to where our deepest pain is hidden, traumas long buried, or even carried over from past lives or through our DNA lineage.  In the moments that these toxic experiences are beaten from the bushes, we can release them permanently.  With each intense emotion, physical pain or stressful trauma being aired and released, we experience a deeper freedom and peace.  As we soothe and acknowledge our inner child, release the toxic pain, we also reveal more of our Divine Self and increase or connection to Source Energy/Creator/God.  And, what I have come to learn from my own experience is that when we build walls of protection to shut out this pain, whether it be energy “shields” or the walls of our home, we do the opposite of what we most desire.  Rather than shutting “bad stuff” out, (since separation is an illusion anyway), we are more likely blocking ourselves from the release, and the ultimate freedom of the pain that was always there, hiding.  Rather than protecting ourselves, we are often locking ourselves in with our fears, traumas, and demons. 

“When you are sitting in your own shit.  It’s comfortable, because you have been there so many times before, and it’s your shit.  It’s really warm, mushy, and even soothing…  but, sweetie, you are still sitting in shit.”   -Anonymous 2008

Conversely, I do respect balance in all things, and of course, there is value in taking time for oneself to reflect, recharge and rejuvenate.  I mean only to offer a new perspective for you to explore what rings true for you with regards to your experience with solitude.  It all hinges on intention.  Are you running? Or are you filling the well?

If you are experiencing pain locked in your body, if you are depressed or suicidal, have sleeping issues, breathing issues, orgasming issues, ANYTHING… whether you were born with it or not… yes, see a doctor, but by all means seek alternative healing as well.  The work I have recently been guided to develop incorporates several modalities simultaneously, that Holistically address issues of Mind, Emotions, Body, and Spirit simultaneously in a very dynamic way. There are many, many gifted Healers in your area that are practiced in dozens of modalities.  Seek out that person and practice that resonates with your body and soul.  There are many ways up the mountain, just, please, don’t hide in a cave.  I have personally seen huge miracles in many healing practices, of which I feel, I am one. 

As I write this, I feel my sweet friend reading over my shoulder.  I know that she is looking down on us all, her tribe, and shining her Light.  It is bittersweet. She had so much planned for her contribution to the growth of Earth and Humanity.  Now she contributes from the other side, guiding us and cheering us on, as she awaits her next assignment in the classroom of life.  I am sending love and gratitude to all that have worked with me on my path, love and gratitude to all that walk with me now, and love and gratitude for those yet to come.  Namaste.

Life & Love Coaching, Tarot & Numerology Readings, & MBSE Holistic Energy Clearings
By appointment... (864) 915-2313

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Love Relationships: What happens when the bliss turns stale? Or worse, abusive?

What happens when the Bliss turns stale?

     Your lover can either be a mirror, a teacher, a blessing of growth; or a codependent struggle for Power and control. When a relationship shifts from bliss to feeling unpleasant, what fears are actually being triggered? What patterns are you repeating from one lover to the next? Are you a runner? Do you get critical and combative? Or do you shut down and pull on a victim mask? Maybe you just think that you’re being smothered and your soul is dying some long slow death and to stop the bleeding you cut the other person loose. Or worse, you push them away hoping they will dump you, so you don’t have to feel guilty. Does any of that sound familiar? All of it? One time or another, you’ve likely played many if not all of these roles. I know that I have. Go on, admit it. The truth will set you free.

     What happens to us? We all crave love. I believe Love is the essence of our Creator and therefore, the essence of who we are. So how does it become so ugly? I wrote in a post many months ago, we are all just clumsily seeking love. Some people argued with me on that post. “I’m not clumsy.” Yes, you are. We are tripping and falling over ourselves to try to fall in love and at the same time avoid being hurt. In the process we hurt the other person, and then they trigger us and we’re on a merry go round of cyclical bliss to pain, round and round we go.

     It’s not until we truly accept that the hurt comes from within us and not from the other person, that we have a chance at experiencing a connection. To love yourself enough to say to someone, I love you but you are being unkind. I can forgive you, but I can’t let you treat me that way, I love myself enough to draw a line. And I love you enough to want you to become a better version of yourself and I don’t think this is working. And the flip side of that is to be able to receive the same type of insights from someone else rather than becoming defensive and resentful.

     Love is about respect, allowance, non-judgement, kindness... to yourself and others. We are like a piano that has been neglected. The strings have been so out of tune for so long, that it takes time, patience and consistent re-tunings and adjustments to stay in that blissful space of perfect pitch. Be kind to yourself. Be gentle and loving to you... and someone matching that tuning, that frequency will come along... and hopefully, if you remain patient and kind, you can help to keep each other in tune, even when triggered to stretch those strings into a cacophonous tone... be patient with your mistakes and be patient with your lover’s misgivings and just take the time to fill each other’s lives with the special magic created by beautifully synchronized harmonies.

I wish that you all find the greatest, most blissful love within and in another. They are one and the same.️ .  Life Coaching, Tarot & Numerology Readings, Intuitive Love GuidanceBy appointment... (864) 915-2313

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

LOVE IS IN THE AIR! Conscious Relationships & Connecting to your Soul Love

Spring has sprung, dear Seekers of Lasting Love! And as we move out of the hibernation of winter, solitude, internalization, introspection, and the transformations that have taken shape, we are now ready to emerge into the sunlight of our new beginnings.  But the energies have been so INTENSE! Are you really ready?!
First of all, Spring is a great time to review the “resolutions” or intentions that you set for 2018. Are you “on course”? Have your goals shifted? You are allowed to change your mind, dear ones! Choose something new! If your intentions no longer excite you, seek out what makes your heart sing for who your are today, right now, and focus on THAT! Life is too short to put energies on haphazard ideas and lackluster goals!  Get help if you must, to uncover whatever sets your soul on fire... and focus on THAT, as though your life depends on it.  Because the truth is, it DOES!
How is LOVE changing in our world?  I recently read an article, “How to Lead Like a Woman” by Nicola Amadora, PhD. on the open paragraph reads-
“A call is resounding throughout the world for women to be the leaders we have been waiting for! In a time of great change you are invited to embody the wisdom and power of the feminine and lead courageously from the fire of your love - at home, at work and in the world. Connected with ourselves, humanity and nature we are able to act in life and make a profound difference. The foundation is the same, whether you are guiding a child, a client, a group, a business or an organization.” -BY NICOLA AMADORA PHD.
I was reminded how deeply our Earth’s shifting energies have been affecting gender roles and female empowerment. We are seeing evidence of this more and more!
But what about men?  Guys, are you feeling left out, lost, or forgotten?!!
As women find their voices, their purpose, their empowerment, what happens to men in their roles. How do men maintain their delicious masculine strength while learning to make room for the emerging feminine empowerment? I have been observing men for many years in this energy of floundering… not only in the intense energies of Earth and Astrological shifts, but also losing their footing in the new energies of women’s empowerment.
What does that mean for dating? How does this change the dance of romantic relationships? I am interested in exploring these topics in an open forum.  Will you join me in navigating this new road?  Can we be in allowance of each other as we feel out these new roles and new energies?  What will it take to find the Conscious Romance that our soul is truly seeking?
If you have read all of this, THANK YOU! I would love to hear your thoughts, insights and suggestions. Please keep an eye out as I announce the first Conscious Dating Discussion event on this meetup, as well as some more conventional social events.
As always, I hold space for you and send you deep blessings of love. May you find love within you, for you. May you find your divinely aligned love partner to resonate and expand with you. And may you flow love outward to shift your entire world. -Peace and blessings, Ariana
Book a Tarot/Numerology Reading, Dating Coaching Session, or Energy Work,
Call or text me 864.619.1516 
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