Thursday, December 2, 2021

Dec 2021 - Numerology, Reflections of the Year, Preparing for 2022

 As we enter the final month of 2021, it is a wonderful time to reflect on the happenings of the year.  Some of the things that I like to do is refer to my journal entries from early in the year, my list of goals and resolutions, and even my appointment calendar entries.  What was my mindset in the early months of the year? What were my goals?  What were my concerns at the time?  How have I changed and where is there still room for improvement?

Take a moment to celebrate those goals that were reached. Reflect on the goals that were not and consider if they are even still valid to where you want to go and who you are becoming.  Often we make choices that we outgrow, and rather than beating yourself up for not attaining those goals, take a moment to celebrate your growth and how you may have to switch gears and direction.

For those of you that follow my Numerology report, 2021 was a Universal Year of 5.  The number 5 is about TRANSFORMATION, the chaos and drama that is often required to bring about dynamic change, and it is also deeply embedded in travel and interpersonal relationships.  Where traveling in the physical may have been too challenging this year, if not totally impossible, traveling on the internet or even on the astral plane has been ramped up for sure!  Watching countries like Africa make huge stands against the global powers suppressing us all, and the massive horror of Australia and New Zealand, and the rising up of people in Europe where arresting policemen joined the revolutionary protests, just to name a few.  It has been a very challenging year for those that have not branched out to understand more of what happening across the globe, fear and isolation is not what the 5 year is about.  When we operate against or oppose the Universal energies we are met with much resistance, anger, and increased frustration.

As we wind down this year of great change, remember that Our Creator, Source Energy, God, and/or Universal Law is in charge and will promise a balance of energies as we move into the coming year.

Please be aware that on Dec 4th we have a powerful New Moon with a Solar Eclipse visible in Australia.  I encourage you to spend time on this day in particular reflecting, meditating, and releasing whatever is left that will not serve you going into 2022.  Toxic relationships, Toxic habits, fear, anger, resentments, etc.  Make amends, complete unfinished tasks, clear your karma, and cleanse your body, aura and energy field in preparation to make room for calling in your heart's desire and your soul's purpose with the Full Moon on Dec 18th, the Winter Soltice on Dec 21 and the New Year transition on Dec 31.

2022 has great power in its numbers.  The triple 2s hold a special meaning and the Universal Year of 6, aligns energies in a positive and exciting way.  I will go into this deeper in next month's newsletter, but know that "the best is yet to come".  Remember to take advantage of my 2022 Reading Special that expires on Dec 31st for a $20 discount off of a one hour reading. Find out what is in store for your soul in the coming year and how to best prepare to make the most of the new year.  

Call or text to schedule 864.915.2313.  Visit to learn more. 



This WEEKLY NEWSLETTER will walk you through the meaning of each of the cards in a Tarot Deck, starting the first Tuesday in January and ending on the last Tuesday in December! 


This monthly newsletter will offer astrological phenomenon for that month and what to expect, as well as explain practical magickal techniques, Moon cycles, and a 'spell of the month'.  (All spellwork is for positive intentions only.  We do not support dark magic.)


This monthly newsletter will offer a new meditation every month for you to practice.  There are MANY, MANY ways to meditate and different people respond to different styles of meditations.This newsletter will include meditating with crystals, toning meditations, breathwork meditations, walking meditations, plant meditations, and much more! 

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