Tuesday, December 21, 2021


I recently encountered a very new Intuitive just awakening into her many untapped gifts.  She reminded me of how I started my journey; confused, needing direction, and eagerly seeking answers.  Along my journey, I sought out answers from others who seemed to be further on their way than me. Surely, if they say they are psychic or say they talk to their guides, or channel higher beings, that MUST BE TRUE... Right?  Who would lie about such things? If they offer their message with certainty and confidence, they must know what they are talking about! Right? Not always.

What I was told by my first mentor was not the answer I wanted at the time. But she was speaking HIGHEST TRUTH  to me. She said, "Ariana, My answer to your question is MY answer. Your answers are within. Only YOU truly know the answers for you." This is why I urge you to call on your own inner knowing and obey your body's sensitivity. If you get an icky feeling, walk away from that person no matter how nice they seem on the surface. There are many people who will take your money and offer you all kinds of "messages from Spirit". Be careful.

There is a woman who (without my request) channelled Ascended Masters and gave me a message from Spirit. While it was a lovely message, it was unwarranted and unsolicited. I asked my Higher Self "What is her intention?" She was trying to impress me, solicit her services, feed her ego.  There was an impurity about her need to convey this message. We are here to walk in our own truths.  It is pure and simple.

The processes of spiritual growth and enlightenment can take years or even lifetimes. Trying to fast track our journey by paying someone to give us the answers is not the way to self-actualization.  Of course,  some reach the mountain’s summit faster than others. But as a whole, it is a process that includes much dedication and time.  In my own Spiritual counseling practice, I am very careful to offer answers with defined certainty, but rather offer suggestions or open ended perspectives with room for the student / client to formulate their own opinion or challenge my perception.  My greatest delight is when the student becomes the teacher! But the question is, do you have a teacher that is open-minded enough to be the student? That is not always easy to find. 

There are several ways in which you can spot a false guru, spiritual teacher, or other peddler of faux spirituality. In this day and age where there are thousands of so-called gurus and Spiritual Counselors.  We have to be careful who we choose to listen to. If, in our haste to find a Spiritual mentor, we make the mistake of following someone who is ego-centered in their true intentions, then we will lose time, money, and create a spiritual foundation of false concepts.

It is my hope that this article can help others discern between the genuine teacher that wishes nothing more than to help others become self-realized and experience spiritual bliss, and those who proclaim they will do these things for you but in reality are just interested in your bank account. Be mindful of who you decide to listen to, and you will be thankful you spent some time to discern between those who are looking out for others and those who are looking out for themselves.

I highly recommend a movie on exactly this topic.  It is called Kumare.  The lead character creates a documentary out of a personification of a Guru, Kumare, and takes you through the journey of amassing followers.  He actually offers them amazing guidance, but in the end he reveals himself as an imposter conducting a social experiment.  The response to his group of avid followers is fascinating.  


Ariana Zariah, NamasteHealingArts.com

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