Friday, December 3, 2021


Greetings Sweet Souls!

I wanted to share with you an amazing experience that I had THIS MORNING! 

I had a group of three lovely ladies request to book a group Past Life Regression Session with me and WOW!  Honestly, because of Covid, it's been quite a while since I have had the opportunity to work in a group setting like this, but since they were all friends and chose to book together, there was a really powerful group energy that contributed to them each having VERY PROFOUND EXPERIENCES!  It really brought me to tears!

Now, first of all, with my group Past Life Sessions that I offer, this is often used by friends or social groups that are already associated so their is a common energetic connection.  When I do a Past Life Regression Workshop, it is more for people coming to the workshop to find out what past life regression is about but are sitting among strangers.  This has been not practical in the past few years, which is why it has been a while since I have had an opportunity to run a group Past Life Session at all.

Without divulging personal information about these ladies, Spirit is nudging me to share what is possible in a group Past Life Session.  During the course of the scheduled time, I create sacred space with higher intention, energetic practice, and crystal gridding of the room.  We dive into 3 to 4 different past life experiences depending on how much time each journey into the Time/Space takes.  Each person has their own individual journey, and I intuitively guide with prompts and suggestions based on what direction Spirit offers me.

These ladies had the following experiences:

  • One encountered her dear, deceased Grandmother on the steps of her Akashic Record Temple.
  • Another had a very vivid journey to ancient Rome.
  • One got to experience the cosmic blessing of the Life Between Lives, floating in the Cosmos as only a soul with no human form and received messages from spirit in that sacred space.
  • Another experience one had was encountering her Uncle that she never got to meet because he passed as a young boy, her mother's brother.  She got to interact with him as a young boy in the form of a Cherub with a loving exchange and beautiful insightful guidance.
  • In another journey, one of the ladies was reunited with her deceased birth mom, her father, and the step mom that helped raise her after her mother passed away.  There was much healing for her to see her birth mom and step mom holding hands in heaven and shining their love collectively into her.

Each had 4 experiences for a total of 12 insightful, heart-warming and teary-eyed experiences!  These are just a few of those experiences that they had!

If you are interested in a group Past Life session. They are on special from Dec 1-31, 2021 for 3-5 people- $222 for the group.  Feel free to call or text me for more information or to schedule. Or VISIT MY SCHEDULING PAGE

Ariana Zariah, Certified Energy Facilitator. (864) 915-2313

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